About the Work of Linda Deir | Motivational Speaker

Guided Journey

Support Linda's Work


“This Mission” springs forth from a lifelong odyssey alongside my Guides, dedicated to realizing my purpose in a world that has strayed from its path.



Spiritual Solutions for Mental Wellness

Int’l Award-Winning true story, Guided

Guided, by Linda Deir - WINNER of the Int'l Body/Mind/Spirit book Awards

I am honored to announce that my autobiography, GUIDED, has been selected as WINNER of the first annual Int'l Body-Mind-Spirit Book Awards, recognizing the best books on the topics of mind, body, and spirit internationally. The award cites excellence in design, story, and overall professionalism in the presentation of writing and narration.

I write spiritual self-help books about what I learned from the lifetime connection to my Spirit Guides and Angels, along with how it works in your life. I teach you how to make this vital connection. Once the feeling of separateness leaves you, the connection to your  Spirit Guides and Angels is a natural occurrence. Your life will begin to make sense – with their help.

My Work

Motivational Speaker

In her speaking and weekly healing appearances (online and in-person) … expect the unexpected, with moment after moment of clarity!

Guided Journey ... *The Feature of this website*

A self-directed counseling service of spiritual awakenings and unexpected psychology … spiritual solutions for mental wellness. This Guided Journey is for all ages … free to everyone! Currently, the Guided Journey has over 60,000 social shares!

Webinars, Live Events, and Teaching

Coaching, Training, Dreams

  • Coaching … “Linda Deir Transition Coach,” you will be having a conversation with your Spirit Guides and Angels. Linda provides you with her proprietary tools that keep the conversation going beyond your coaching session.
  • Training … “Linda Deir one-on-one Self-Mastery Training,” she isolates specific issues that have been hanging you up and holding you back. You can’t see it when you’re in it, but she can. You will have moment after moment of clarity as, together, you break through the patterns of programming that have controlled your life.
  • Dreams … Dream Interpretation by Linda Deir… Live the Life of YOUR Dreams. A dream not understood is like receiving a letter you never opened.



Why I do this work, and why now…

“The Mission” raises consciousness, so the healing can begin.

Guided, by Linda Deir


“Linda’s perspective on the current direction of  the world, the planet, and our dumbing-down and increasing ignorance of our society – a situation she verbalizes well and follows that with a cautionary plea to tune into our guides to get us through this increasingly mad merry-go-round that is life.”

~ Grady Harp, Amazon HALL OF FAME TOP 100 REVIEWER of 

Behind the Scenes

Complete in-house development and maintenance of two high-traffic websites – LindaDeir.com and ChanneledReadings.com, both of which are in the top 0.05% of all websites in the U.S.. LindaDeir.com has become the #1 website in the World for the highest amount of engagement for any Spiritual Author/Teacher as per Alexa rankings! This entire mission was created, developed and discovered without a publisher, agency, advertisers, developers, sponsors, employees, or any other outside assistance. Just two people and their Spirit Guides and Angels working 7-days-a-week to bring “their” messages and teachings to the world … helping those who reach for it.

Linda and Ray are the sole architects and engines behind this Self-Funded project …

For just two people to create and maintain this massive project at the high level we do, requires much time and money. Our high standards produce consistency in everything we do, giving you the best experience and the highest value. Until now people have sent Linda financial support for her work through snail mail. While the unsolicited financial support is greatly appreciated, we felt our supporters deserved a more convenient way to participate in this project. We hope that by providing the process to support the work of Linda Deir we have answered that need.

Thank you for supporting my work, Linda Deir


Word of Mouth

Although your financial support is helping to keep this mission going, telling your friends, family, and social media contacts about what this is are equally as important.

My Spirit Guides and Angels have consistently told me, “Your work will be found through word-of-mouth.”

So, please leave reviews from where you purchased my books, along with telling your friends, family, and social media contacts about them. Also, let them know how my work has helped you on your Guided Journey. ~ Sincere gratitude, Linda