- The takeaway from this episode is … fear of consequences will make you small.
- Here’s what this will do for you … feeling that something is always missing is the result of making yourself small when you are anything but that.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … attempting to avoid consequences stifles your free will. This is proof that you are not small, so stop fearing consequences.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
Here’s why the consequences of your choices have a negative connotation.
Why do people tend to procrastinate when it comes to making a decision? Many become frozen in their tracks and unable to decide which way to go, what to do, and why they should or shouldn’t do something. What are they afraid of?
They are afraid of the consequences. While most people think that consequences are bad or negative, they are not. There are positive consequences to a situation or decision and negative consequences to others. It could be both.
So, why do people focus on negative consequences in theirdecision-making?
It’s a combination of feeling both, guilty and scared. Guilty for something you can’t remember but the essence is still within you, like some kind of karmic payback. Scared of fully living this life based on what this life has given you before. You’ll justify not making a decision by saying things like, “I “tried” that once and it didn’t work out very well, so I’m reluctant to “try” it again. By the way, “trying” is always a weak attempt to achieve anything.
Whatever consequences you experience from any decision, they are not your fault if you made the best decision you could. As long as you keep your ego in check, expecting consequences will be the hurdles you strive to overcome throughout your life and how you become someone you respect and like.
Everything was planned in advance – before you got here.
So, what’s holding you up. Make the best decision you can without worrying about the consequences, otherwise, you will miss your life – the reason you came here. What if the consequences turned out to be great and positive most of the time, would you then be afraid to make a decision? Probably not. So, why dwell on negative consequences before you even make up your mind? You can not avoid consequences, even if you don’t make a decision, because life will dish out its consequences for you anyway.
You signed up for all the consequences that you are experiencing, but you must stop taking all the blame. This is one of your dilemmas.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- You must stop letting this life scare you.
- There are consequences no matter which way you choose.
- These consequences are all part of both your expereinces and lessons.
HOW IT WORKS: People always wonder what karmic lesson or debt they will need to pay in this life. They start off feeling guilty for something without knowing what it is. Fearful about making a mistake freeze them up. They “try” to play it safe by not taking any chances. However, this is a fear-based reaction to life. It’s overcompensating which leads to a safe okay life rather than a meaningful one. These people always feel like they are missing out on something, and they are! You are here to overcome the illusive guilt associated with the fear of consequences. ~ Linda Deir
- Choices and Consequences – LifeHack
- How do the choices we make affect our lives? – Medium
- It Is in Your Moments of Decision That Your Destiny Is Shaped – HubPages
- What are the negative consequences of making the right choice for the wrong reasons? – Quora
Sometimes it is so hard to just step out into the unknown and make a decision, but we have to realize that not making a decision is a decision in its self. We just have to screw up our courage, and trust that we are being guided in the direction that we are leaning.
I have learned over the years to follow my instincts and even if one decision looks very attractive, but your instincts are telling you to not do it, it would be a mistake if you went with what looked good on the surface.
What you described is the difference between forcing a payoff now, which will fizzle out, or follow your guidance. When you follow your guidance the payoff is a steady flow that builds as it compounds into something much better than you could have done on your own. However, this doesn’t mean your guidance can’t include immediate results from time to time. That does happen.
I see this in the women I coach, Recently Retired Women. They feel guilty to have extra time on their hands and spend time worrying instead of making positive choices towards their happiness in body, mind, or spirit.
This insight inspires me to make choices more freely in the direction I want my life to go. Also to share this message with others through my work and by modeling and enjoying the freedom and positive consequences, and tweaking things by paying attention to negative consequences.
We came here to experience consequences, dualities. Cause and effect. After all, we are all manifesters learning to use our energy to create our reality. This only gets scary to those who interpret consequences as black or white, good or bad, winning or losing. This comes from fear-based thinking derived from being repressed in this lifetime and/or others. Once we let that type or thinking (programming) go, we can get around to what we came here to do in this lifetime.