- The takeaway from this episode is … you will pay more attention when doubt begins to creep in.
- Here’s what this will do for you … you will become more observant of what you doubt.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … question every time you doubt something or someone by writing it down.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
What comes first, fear or doubt?
It’s like the chicken and the egg. When you look at fear it’s fueled by the media, the people around you, and some from yourself.
Doubt is triggered “internally” by your thoughts. Fear is more “externally” triggered than doubt.
The thoughts you have are based on the beliefs you carry. Anytime someone comes along and challenges your beliefs the first reaction is to defend them. What does that accomplish? They have beliefs that they are defending, and you have yours. Let’s throw a wrench into the process. What if they are wrong about what they believe? What if you are wrong about yours?
You must start to question everything – everything you hear about, read about, see, and what people tell you. What if it’s not true? What if it was made up for the benefit of societal propaganda purposes to keep you in the dark and fearful? If left unchecked, this doubt that triggers you can grow into a feeling that something is wrong with you. The doubt derails your life and prevents you from making clear decisions. Doubt is even more damaging than fear because you can many times get away from fear just by changing your environment.
Doubt is an inside job, and that’s why it’s a different matter than fear.
It’s hard to escape doubt. When you look at it under a microscope doubt is the excuse for not listening to the guidance, your intuition, your higher self, or us. Many people, even when they do listen, still have doubts about the guidance they have been receiving. They postpone acting on it while they think it over – running it through their doubt filters. They say things like, “well, it might be true, but may not be for me,” or, “It would take such a long time to do that,” or, “It would be too much work.”
So, doubt is the driving source of procrastination in all areas of your life. As you follow the procrastination path you get nowhere. So, what can you do? You must help yourself first. Like the oxygen mask on a plane, you can’t assist anyone else until you first help yourself. Picture yourself putting the oxygen mask on and breathing clearly and fully. The clean clear breath is wiping out all doubt that you have accumulated. Each time you feel doubt slipping in, mentally put that oxygen mask on and breathe. Now, once you have doubt under control look at the guidance we are sending you at face value. Do not read anything into it, just write down the guidance exactly as it came through.
If you allow doubt to continue controlling your life you will discover that eventually, it could even evolve into fear.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- Doubt proceeds fear, so work on your doubts.
- What is it that triggers the doubt in you? Write that down.
- In order to think clearly, you must do your mental exercise of breathing and releasing the doubt.
HOW IT WORKS: Just like a game of chess, a conquest of taking over control, when doubt knocks out intuition, fear will gain control over your life. Fear becomes something you default into as a result of doubt wearing you down. If you are ready to reclaim your life so your intuition can start to work, I have three suggestions:
- Practice breathing.
- Start journal writing.
- Join me Live on Tuesdays.
To begin, find a quiet place to do your journal writing for just 15 minutes a day. With practice and consistency, this will produce surprising results quickly. ~ Linda Deir
What Does It Feel Like to Be Enlightened? – Scientific America
Why We Ignore Our Intuition and How to Overcome Self-Doubt – GoodTherapy