Linda Deir, author, speaker, transition coach, trainer

Guided Journey

Follow the Feeling

Healings with Linda

Have you ever experienced a feeling that instantaneously revealed a truth you didn’t know before?

These charged emotions, trigger  feelings that catch us off guard and provide us with unexpected insights.

In this post, I explore the concept of following our feelings and trusting our intuition as essential tools for personal growth. Let’s dive deeper into these thought-provoking words.


Timing and Truth: The Essence of Feelings

Feelings have a remarkable aspect – their timing. Uncontrollable and instantaneous, they inform us about situations without our permission. I explain that feelings, much like intuition, provide us with truthful feedback about our circumstances. They present themselves as two sides of the same coin. But do we trust our feelings? Do we trust our intuition? The answer lies in how much we trust ourselves.

Trusting Yourself: The Foundation for Interpreting Feelings

To interpret the truth behind our feelings and intuition, we must possess the ability to accept whatever they convey without letting emotions get in the way. This is why I emphasize the importance of writing down our feelings or intuitions as soon as they arise. By doing so, we capture the essence of these emotions before our own biases have a chance to distort them. Trusting our feelings or intuition is, in fact, trusting ourselves.

The Journey of Self-Inquiry

For those who struggle to trust their feelings, I suggest embarking on a journey of self-inquiry. I encourage you to carve out 15 minutes a day, preferably before bedtime, to write in a journal about any unusual or out-of-the-ordinary feelings experienced that day. In the beginning, these writings may seem unpolished and shallow. However, with consistency, you will develop a powerful relationship with your inner self.

The Guiding Light: Tapping into Greater Guidance

As we persist with our journaling practice, something fascinating happens – we begin to have conversations with someone other than ourselves. It feels like intuition, but with time, we realize it’s more than that. This is when you will realize you are tapping into guidance that offers crucial insights we might have missed otherwise. Our Guides become our best friends and life coaches, guiding us on the path to enlightenment.

Returning to Where You Began

Drawing from my true story, “Guided,” I explain that our path to enlightenment often starts with a restless feeling, sensing something is amiss in our lives without fully grasping what it is. We embark on numerous paths in search of answers, only to find dead ends that lead us back to where we started. These dead ends are opportunities for us to realize that what we were seeking was the place we began – so we must start again.

Finding Your Purpose

The immediate quest for answers can be tempting but reminds us that our answers lie within ourselves. Seeking external solutions often leaves us unsatisfied because they are not truly ours. The good news is that we can save time by returning to where we began. By doing so, we uncover our true selves and find our purpose.

Embracing Guidance and Never Being Alone

This post is an empowering reminder that we are never alone on this journey. We have help in the form of Spirit Guide Angels who provide guidance to lead us back to our true selves. With their support, we can successfully navigate life and unlock our full potential.

Start your Self-Examination

I urge you to follow your feelings and trust your intuition for personal growth. It emphasizes the need to trust ourselves, by embarking on a journey of self-inquiry and tapping into greater guidance. By returning to where we began, we can find our purpose and realize that we are never alone. It’s time to embrace the power of our feelings and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. ~ Linda Deir

Healings with Linda

Healings with Linda


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