- The takeaway from this episode is … it’s your free will that’s at stake now, hence your freedom.
- Here’s what this will do for you … reflect on when you first started exercising your free will, so you have a baseline to “restart” from.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … you must go back to the beginning of your life to examine how you originally handled your gift of free will.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
What does it mean to get real with your free will?
It’s not like you had to do anything to use your free will.
Unlike others who had to risk their lives and leave their countries to get to your country so they could use the gift they had when they came here – their free will. They may have lived in a country that discouraged the use of that gift and even punished them for using it, but once it’s inside you and you know it’s there no one can take it away from you.
Has your gift of free will enhance your life, or has it become a burden that requires too much effort on your part to defend?
When you were a little kid, you didn’t give it a second thought, you operated by free will. You saw something across the room or across the yard and you went over there and investigated it. What you discovered from your investigation was what you used to make a decision about whatever it was. Was it a bird, a bug, or a plant? What was over there in the corner of the yard making that noise?
Curiosity is what originally drove your free will.
Investigating something before you make a decision is part of the process of living freely. Nowadays, with everybody telling you what to do, what you can’t do, who you can and cannot be around, where you can and can’t go, what you can buy and what you can’t buy … everybody is attempting to cripple your free will.
Many are intimidated by fear allowing this greatest gift of all to be relinquished. No one can take it away from you, that’s your choice.
Many times, they are convinced that what they’re being told is for the greater good. But whose greater good? It’s certainly not for the greater good of the person who is being pressured to forfeit their free will in order to have their permission to do something, or associate with certain people, or work in a certain place, and not allowed to leave your house. That’s certainly not the free world the people who risked their lives to come here ever imagined. It’s more like the place they came from.
So, what is your vision of your free will in the future?
At what point will you decide to stand your ground and say, “no more!” That you will not comply with anyone or anything that takes away your ability to live your life freely through your free will and decide what’s right for you. What you are now experiencing in your world is that freedom is not free.
When you defend your freedom you are defending your free will.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- The first call to action is to listen intently to what you are being told, what is really being said?
- The second action is to research it thoroughly, exactly who benefits from what it is you are being told you must do and think?
- The third call to action should be the easiest, but most people find it the most difficult – that is taking action that is in line with your free will.
HOW IT WORKS: The only thing standing in the way of your freedom and free will is fear. How much have you bought into fear controlling your life? Think back to when you were a little kid, and someone imposed restrictions on you – what was your reaction to that? What did you feel when someone criticized what you said? Did you go off to yourself and think about it, or did you go right into fear allowing their response to be the last word on the matter – never taking the time to think it over for yourself? This is an exercise of free will. Did you stand up for yourself or just let everyone run over you? There are consequences either way but choosing to apply your free will and stand your ground will never disappoint you no matter how it plays out. This is how you reach mastery over your life. ~ Linda Deir
Besides the things going on in the world right now, that put a marker on free will; I have a personal issue rising up AGAIN, that has been going on for 10 years. It is my ex-husband, the father of my children, who bullies me into not seeing my children. I must say, I let myself be bullied. And tonight, I feel so fed up with feeling powerless and fearful, and I am so done with being bullied and not seeing my children and let myself be pushed around. I know I must play it intelligently and not let myself be pulled into emotions. This is the moment to stand up for myself. First, I went kickboxing and punched and kicked all my frustrations out of my system. Then I cried in my car. Then I wrote in my journal. I asked the Guides to help me push through this and send me direction in what to do. I long for freedom in this crazy world and I am going to do this no matter what it takes. I MUST … because otherwise, it will never stop. Can the Guides show me where to look? Thanks
Viola … although your ex-husband is a bully, your kids are now old enough to speak their own minds, overriding their father. So, do your kids want to see you even if their dad disagrees? You may be blaming the wrong person. Could they all be bullies and like to see you suffer? Only you could answer these questions. Let me know what your journal writing reveals about this matter.
How could I miss this … Linda you are so right. Especially my youngest likes to see me suffer. The oldest has more sense but likes to take the easy way.
When reading your answer I felt instant relief. Yes, this is true, my kids like to see me suffer as well as my ex. The one thing I got from the writing is that “feeling powerless” is the one thing I would like to push through and leave behind. It is funny, but I already feel relieved by your answer (that they like to see me suffer) that there is an instant lift-off of the heavy powerless feeling I had. So the thing I have been doing the last couple of years; to live my own life and leave them to live theirs, was not a bad step. But I still suffered. And I was full of revengeful feelings, which led to fighting them leading to more suffering from my end. Now with this answer from you, it brings everything into a different perspective. Still not so sure what action to take, except for feeling fully aware of what happened Thanks to your answer, Linda. Can’t thank you enough. ❤️
You have suffered enough. By their actions, they have given you your life back. You are finally free. Using your free will, once you fully accept this, the suffering will end. By doing your journal writing about this situation (for years) you possess what will keep you on your path going forward without relapses. You will be solid.
I would like to add to yesterday, in NL the government forced a corona passport on the people in order to visit a restaurant, hotel, cinema, or an event – with QR code. Since May 2020 the pandemic was already over – IF we must call it a pandemic – death rates have gone down since then. A variation of rules has been applied to the people to bring the so-called infection rates down. From masks to no alcohol after 8 PM (hilarious) to a curfew. Millions have been invested in testing stations and vaccination propaganda. Worst is that the minister of health implies that the non-vaccinated are the ones to blame. The reason that the corona passport was implemented and that society is still not fully open. He encourages employers to ask employees if they have been vaccinated and if not, to demand that they take their responsibility. In legal terms, this is not what they are allowed to do, but we (I) see that the people are being manipulated. My ex-husband and children are fully in agreement with this story. They are vaccinated and believe this is the way to get their freedom back. In their minds, I’m the silly ex-wife and mother. Well… I am really delighted to be that! Thanks, Linda and Ray. Love your work.
All I can say is you are almost there. So, where is “there?” It’s where you have earned the right to move on, free of any guilt. You gave them every chance to see things differently. You have tried your best at the expense of them ganging up against you, making you into a joke, and bullying you. What will they do when you are gone and have no one to fill your place? That is what they will miss about you moving on – there will be no one to bully.