Home of Linda Deir, author, medium, transition coach, trainer


This journal entry form is from PART THREE of

My Guided Journey© entitled, My Journal Writing© 

HOW IT WORKS: My Journal Writing© is your roadmap to consciousness, your journey forward. Using my proprietary journal writing system keeps you connected and aware of when your Guides are sending you messages, so they can effectively guide you on your journey forward.

DIRECTIONS: Sit with your Guides to write in your journal for 15 minutes daily. Do this consistently for one month, then review them. What you will realize will be so eye-opening that you won’t want to stop!

 “Never miss our timely guidance again. Write down those great ideas, insights,
solutions, dreams, and inspirations that you continue to receive from us, so they can be realized.”
~ Spirit Guides and Angels

Self-Examination from part 3 of My Guided Journey ©2024 Linda Deir. All rights reserved.

Type then print, or Print and write long hand (print option is at the bottom)

My Journal Writing ... journey forward
After you finish 1-6 below give this journal entry a Title.
Organize your printed journal entries in your binder by date.
Where did you get this information?
How did you know this guidance came from "us?"
Write down what was out of the ordinary or unusual today. If you don't have time to write it all down then jot down keywords to trigger you later when you have time to write it all down.
Watch the Meditation Video below to fully contemplate how 'what you wrote down' made you feel, as how this made you feel is the key to having your realization. If you are not having a realization, then you have not dug deep enough yet. Like a yes or no answer, saying it made you feel good or bad is not an answer. To learn how to be specific about answering this question watch the Meditation Video below.
Once you have this realization the action you take will be obvious to you. If not, then watch the Meditation Video above.
GO BACK TO THE TOP TO GIVE THIS JOURNAL ENTRY A TITLE ... Congratulations, now continue to do your daily journal writing to keep your attention high, and your connection strong, so you can figure anything out as your life continues to improve while building a connection to your Spirit Guides and Angels.

Print your journal entry now and place it in your binder to review later. wink

PRINT BEFORE: Closing, Refreshing, or Starting a new journal entry page, so you don’t lose your work.

Start a new journal entry

After reviewing your “journal entries,” get Part 2 of My Guided Journey© to identify where you are hung-up, so you can heal it once and for all!

Get the entire journal: My Guided Journey
My Guided Journey©