People’s idea of improvement needs a lot of improving

Guided Journey


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NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

Improvement is appreciating what you have without looking for it.

It means that mankind is the only species that feel they need improving. All other species seem to be satisfied with who they are. They don’t worry about being healthier or happier…they just are. They live in each moment whether they’re hunting, or sleeping in the sun, or tending to their families.

Humankind is unique in their desire, or obsession to improve themselves. It seems that all these improvements mean wanting more of something; getting wealthier, becoming better looking, a different hair color, maybe even just some hair. Nicer clothes would be good, a new car or two, a better smartphone, and of course, a good-looking person on your arm because that’s what a relationship is to them.

You never hear about a tiger or a lion complaining about how their mate looks. You never see a bear in the woods doing jumping jacks to stay in shape. Why does humankind feel they need all these things to improve their life? If you look around the world some of the happiest cultures have the least. How could they be so happy or content when they don’t have all these things that “developed” cultures feel they need to have in order to be happy?

The fact that people’s idea of improvement needs a lot of improving, has led to a multibillion-dollar self-help industry.

How many self-help gurus are out there whose message is to get rid of everything you have and live a simple life, be humble, and don’t brag? These gurus, if they exist, have empty audiences. Few understand the concept that maybe less is really more. It is because with less to worry about and leading a humble life you don’t spend all that time worrying about what you don’t have.

You also don’t have to endure the stress and expense of taking care of all that stuff you do have. What you don’t have doesn’t influence your life at all. Do you have your health? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have a loving, compatible relationship? Are you able to feed yourself and take care of your family, even if it’s just a pet, we would say you have all you need in order to be happy? Everything else is the fluff people believe will actually “improve” them and make them happy. We know that even if you got all that stuff you think you need, you still wouldn’t be happy – you’d be looking for more improvement.

CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • Few understand the concept that maybe less is really more.

  • People seem to be thinking that they need, or even demand to have, all this stuff like it’s some sort of prize they get for working and worrying and suffering.

  • Go get a bicycle and start riding it around every day and observe. How do you feel riding the bike, being self-sufficient with your own power, not burning fossil fuels, while getting exercise? Can you still do most of the things you did or could do with a brand new car?

HOW IT WORKS: With all the stresses people are feeling now, the number one priority is to do whatever is necessary to eliminate that stress. That’s the biggest improvement most people need to focus on right now. Until the pressure has been released can you make good decisions, that’s because you are in a reactionary fight-or-flight mode. Taking action to eliminate stress is stepping into a shift that contains opportunities and expansion – not what appears to be losses. The stress and pressure of your old life have limited your opportunities. It created more stress, and unless you interrupt that vicious cycle of looking for improvement out there somewhere, your life will not improve. ~ Linda Deir




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