Press Kit
Linda Deir ... Healer/TeacherSpiritual Solutions for Mental Wellness
Conversations with Spirit Guides

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How People Describe Linda’s Work …
“Linda Deir is insightful, intelligent, intuitive, professional, and ethical. I find my coaching sessions with Linda to be eye-opening and healing!”
~ Thank you, April Soto, MD
Viola Conradi said ...
“Her books Guided- parts 1, 2 and 3 – and her coaching sessions are wonderful! I started a little skeptic – I never had seen my guides as she did so I thought how would this work for me. Going through part 2 made me realize I certainly know that my guides are here with me and writing it all down makes it clear that guidance is there every day for all of us. By working through part 2 and coaching sessions with Linda I have unveiled some deep-rooted patterns. With practical tips, Linda has helped me how to re-discover my true self. I am still working in part 2 but I have uncovered more than I have with 10 years of ‘regular coaching’. I feel more confident and I dare to trust my guidance more and more.” Thank you, Linda!
Brigid Radford said ...
“Linda’s books are all so compelling and relatable. I was looking for an audiobook for a long car trip and ended up purchasing her true story, Guided. I listened to the whole thing in a couple of sittings before the trip. Her later books are just as compelling and relatable.
The sessions with Linda and Ray, who himself has developed an amazing ability by partnering with Linda, have been nothing less than astonishing and real. The Guides definitely know me better than I know myself, and definitely better than anyone else. No question seems to be too small or big. Their answers can also be quite specific.
These days it is too easy to become focused on the outer world and neglect the inner one. Through the discipline of journaling, daily practice, and the group sessions I hope to better develop my own connection.”
Veronica Baca said ...
“Linda Deir is an authentic, generous, valuable connection to your spirit guides and angels. I found her on Facebook in 2018 in perfect time to help me heal deeply, and learn to connect directly with my own spirit guides and angels on a regular basis.”
Carol Joyce Burger said ...
“I’ve known Linda since 2004. She’s helped me on many occasions when I needed direction. Her channeling work has allowed me to connect and facilitate the conversations with my own spirit guides. It always surprises me how clear she can interpret and give me the message that is coming through, and there is always an answer/solution to my questions. And… when I look back, it’s always been right on! I love our channeling sessions with Linda and my guides!
Since her books have been published her work is reaching the world. She’s the real thing! I highly recommend her channeling work, and her books too!”
Brenda Wilkins said ...
You’ve all heard the saying that sometimes you meet someone that makes a great impact on your life. Linda has opened up my world in ways I never knew existed. I listened to the audio version of Guided from Audible. Linda narrates her own story. I was drawn by her will, and the guidance she received. My heart hurt for everything she endured. As her story goes on – I loved how empowered she was and still is to look at situations and opportunities, to make life choices. Knowing it may be difficult to make these changes knowing they are the right thing to do. Knowing her Guides speak the truth but she must decide for herself. I met Linda and Ray a few years ago. They are amazing individually and together. I always have a Guided pendant with me. Linda has opened doors and shown me paths I never would have known. I am still learning and growing, hopefully forever. Linda is an exceptionally special person!”
Details About Linda
Keywords: #guided, #spirit guides, #guides, #angels, #guidance, #NDE, #left her body, #died, #true story, #bully mother, #fear, #hell, #asking, #help, #20 months old, #escape, #dream, #telepathic, #living in two world, #child abuse, #self-taught, #serial entrepreneur, #business phenomenon, #journal writing, #intuitive, #pay attention, #best friends, #life coaches, #spontaneous insights, souls urge
Short Bio: (26 words)
Int’l award-winning author, trainer, and coach, Linda Deir inspires others through her teachings and books to connect to their own guidance to discover their true-life purpose.
Short/Medium Bio: (50 words)
Phoenix-based author, speaker, trainer, and coach, Linda Deir has communicated with her Spirit Guides since she was a baby. Against all odds, their guidance led her to become a successful serial entrepreneur. Her true story, GUIDED teaches what she learned and how you can apply this to your own life journey.
Medium Bio: (131 words)
People seek out life-change self-help Int’l Award-Winning author, coach and trainer, Linda Deir … wanting to learn what her true story, GUIDED teaches, the way guidance works, and how to make the connection to their own Spirit Guides to live the life they intended.
GUIDED is a riveting testament to survival in the face of insurmountable odds where she achieved far more than even she imagined … knowing she was being guided.
Now, after a lifetime of being guided, in her books, coaching, training, live events, webinars, speaking events, and the Guided Journey, she shares what she learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.
A dynamic presenter in person, Linda Deir brings through spontaneous insights from your own Spirit Guides and Angels that reawakens the soul’s urge to express itself.
Long Bio: (772 words)
At the hands of her bully mother at just 20 months old, Linda realized her life was in danger. Out of options, she ran away from home only to be returned by the Sacramento police. It was the 1950s, a time when there were no child protective services, so the police officers just chalked the incident up as a family matter. After they left, her mother took her inside the house and beat her unconscious, when she left her body and found herself in the safe loving place she came from just 20 months earlier. Shocked out of her NDE, and waking up on the floor drenched in a puddle of water, Linda’s fear turned into terror when finding herself right back in the hell she tried to escape from.
Now, alone and completely out of options, she cried out loud asking for someone to help her. That’s when the Light Beings, her Spirit Guide Angels materialized all around her. As they looked down at her, on all fours in a puddle of water, in their calm and steady demeanor they telepathically reminded her who she was and what she now realized … “This world is not all there is!” With that newfound awareness, the pressure was instantly released, as now she was connected to the place she came from and easily able to understand everything they were saying to her. From that connection, she could now see what her Spirit Guides and Angels saw. There was no separation – she was living in two worlds now. Having died from this world, then shocked back into it, she brought with her the Guides that would be her best friends and life coaches throughout the rest of her life, providing a better life than she could have ever achieved on her own.
Without any formal training, by age 19 and beyond she became an architectural home designer, general contractor, sub-contractor, businesswoman, real estate broker, Internet Service and Host Provider, dream interpreter, trainer, coach, speaker and now, author. Every vocation was accomplished with the timely guidance she received from her Spirit Guides. Nothing has ever been out of reach for her, all that was required was that she show up, pay attention, and take action. As a result of the child abuse she encountered until age 16 she learned to perfect this process of living in two worlds, simultaneously … this world, and the one she came from.
Business colleagues have asked Linda throughout her life how she became so intuitive, and how she knew when to get in and out of projects and situations at just the right time. Others wondered why she had so much energy and how she could get so much done making everything look so easy. Now, for the first time ever, in her true story, GUIDED, Linda reveals exactly how this process works.
People seek out life-change self-help Int’l Award Winning author, coach and trainer, Linda Deir … wanting to learn what her true story, GUIDED teaches, the way guidance works, and how to make the connection to their own Spirit Guides and live the life they intended.
GUIDED is a riveting story of triumph over extreme adversity. Confronting bullies on every front, beginning with her dysfunctional family orchestrated by her bully mother. Escaping home as a teen in crisis and becoming a self-taught business phenomenon in a man’s world by age 19 and beyond. She achieved far more than even she imagined … knowing she was being guided.
From the beginning of her challenging childhood, her Spirit Guides and Angels repeatedly delivered this prophecy to her, “Life will get better for you as you get older if you can make it through childhood.” Surviving childhood was only possible from a higher way of thinking, influenced by these Light Beings, her Spirit Guide Angels, her role models.
Using her own life as a template, GUIDED is a roadmap for stepping on board at any point along your life path to join forces with your own Spirit Guides and Angels to create a better life than you could have done on your own. Sprinkled throughout the book, Linda shares 137 universally applicable Tips, Lessons, Learnings, and Awarenesses she shares directly from her life-long relationship with her Spirit Guide Angels.
Now, after a lifetime of being guided, in her books, coaching, training, live events, webinars, speaking events, and the Guided Journey, she shares what she learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.
An author, coach, and dynamic presenter in person, Linda Deir brings through spontaneous insights from your own Guides and Angels that reawakens the soul’s urge to express itself.
Speaker Introduction
Linda Deir (pronounced “Deer” – like the animal)
Linda didn’t have a friend in the world. Fortunately, she had very good friends who were not in the world – her Spirit Guides and Angels. They provided her with unconditional love, and through that, they became the most influential life coaches, best friends, and protectors she could have ever had. They made the impossible possible throughout her life.
As a result of their guidance, nothing has ever been out of reach for Linda. People have always told her that she makes everything look easy. That’s because she knows she’s being guided. She allows them to chime in, and not only listens, but she takes action on their time-sensitive guidance! A vital connection that grants her access to knowing what to do and when to do it! A balance of living in two worlds, simultaneously.
Linda Deir has always experienced the paranormal as normal. From early childhood, Linda Deir experienced something most of us miss – she realized that she was being “guided.” Now, after a lifetime of being guided, she is sharing what she has learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.
GUIDED is the author’s true story that follows her life of survival from child abuse to her escape as a teenager and into her phenomenal success as a businesswoman in a man’s world – a serial entrepreneur by age 19 and beyond. Using her life as a template, GUIDED is the road map for stepping on board at any point along your life path to join forces with your own Spirit Guides and Angels to create a better life than you could have done on your own.
“Let’s give a warm welcome to Linda Deir”
Reflections on Guided, chapter 1
(1038 words) Script from the video
While I became aware of my guides at a very young age, I did not always know who they were. I was introduced to them in a remarkable life-destiny dream that set the stage for my entire life. It showed me who I am, why I’m here, and that I am guided. That repetitive dream played out night after night and year after year and is the first memory I have. The dream started around the age of two and continued until my mid-thirties. In all those years it never changed. It showed me my purpose, people’s intentions, and their reactions to a world to come. That was also my first contact when I met my old friends…my spirit guides.
I call it The Merry-Go-Round Dream.
The Merry-Go-Round Dream … In the dream, I’m about seven years old, and I am on a merry-go-round that is mounted to the top of the inside of a gold-domed ceiling painted in renaissance designs like a cathedral. It was a centuries-old, rich architectural masterpiece. I am about 75-to-100 feet above the floor riding this merry-go-round, holding on single-handedly while leaning back in total joy as the merry-go-round speeds up, going faster and faster until I feel like I’m flying. Life just doesn’t get better than this!
I am having so much fun, as “everyone I know in the whole wide world” is riding on this merry-go-round with me. As it speeds up, the other people start to get scared. Then, one by one, they begin giving up and letting go. I see them fly off the merry-go-round hitting the side walls of the domed ceiling, blood splattering everywhere. It is gruesome as they scream to their deaths in utter terror. I am in total shock as I watch each one of these people become fearful, then let go and die.
I don’t understand why they are afraid and why they can’t see how great this ride is. To me, it’s the most exciting feeling and a freedom that surpasses anything. This feeling gets interrupted when I see everyone fearful, letting go and dying. I’m always the only one left on this merry-go-round.
Over time, I came to understand how that dream was showing me the theme for my life. It showed me that my experiences in this life would be very different from those of other people – sometimes the exact opposite. It was that single repetitive dream that made me realize that more was going on than anyone was telling me, or that they understood themselves.
In the beginning, I loved having that dream. However, as it persisted, the suffering of the people started dominating it. I was having the dream three to four times a night, and it got so I dreaded going to sleep. I tried to stop the dream or change it because I couldn’t bear the part where everyone else got scared and died. It was horrible to see and hear. Since I couldn’t stop it or change it, I starting asking “Why? Why me? Why are you showing me this over and over again?” I didn’t know who I was asking, but I hoped someone was listening.
As the dream persisted, I became more and more determined to understand it. Even at a young age, I knew it was showing me what I was to experience in this lifetime. I saw that people would be reacting negatively to what was really a good thing. I understood I would need to help the ones who could be reached.
Although I could not see the entire meaning at the time, the dream left me with a very different way of looking at things. I was able to clearly see through the intentions of people without their ever knowing it. From what I experienced in that dream, I realized several things: many or maybe most people were naturally fear-based, they didn’t really have a strong will to live, they didn’t want things to change and speed up, many people weren’t going to reach their desired destinies, and I wasn’t going to be able to change their reaction to that.
The most horrifying part of that dream was that those people died with so much fear. I was not able to convince those on the ride with me that this was a good thing. They couldn’t see that this could be the best time of their lives as we all ride through it together. I was haunted with the challenge of finding a way to reach them. I became aware that that was my job.
The message of that dream was my spirit guide angels showing me how people’s fear turned into pain, and that to get out of pain, they must first get out of fear. It was fear that set it all into motion. The fear stopped the people in the dream from experiencing new things and believing in themselves.
My Guides showed me in the dream what would become the biggest tragedy of our times. This tragedy is that, most people will die having lived fear-based lives.
From that merry-go-round dream, I learned how to manage my life and really get to know myself. Once I surrendered to that, other amazing skills showed up. Without thinking about it or analyzing it, these hidden parts of me just came to life. Learning the way I did was both endless and effortless because I had help – their help!
That merry-go-round dream taught me to be a self-thinker and figure out the dilemmas I was facing – with the training I received from my Guides. They taught me not to fight a challenge, not to run from it. It helped me see that if you are faced with the unavoidable, the only way to benefit from it is to embrace it. Let it teach you because it’s there for an important reason.
My Guides also taught me that what we have to learn may not be easy. That’s especially the case with the truth. This all started through the intelligent language of a dream, the self-discovery it provided, and the introduction to my old friends. Little did I know how important all of this early training would be in the future.
Amazing Facts
1. Escaping another day of child abuse Linda ran away from home at age 20 months.
2. Linda had the exact same dream that never changed, multiple times every night, from her first memory as a baby until 35 years old – reminding her of her purpose in this lifetime.
3. A serial entrepreneur, by age 19 she was experiencing success after success … guided to get in and out of projects, and relationships at just the right time.
4. Christmas 1994, one of her Spirit Guides and Angels materialized right in front of her with a Nikon camera in hand she captured their photograph. That photo became the front cover of the book her Guides told her she would write, GUIDED.
5-Fun Facts
1. Linda got her first car in 1969 when she was 17. It was a brand new, red and black, 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner with a 390HP, 440 Magnum engine + 6-pack and a Hurst 4-speed transmission. She drove it for a year before she got her driver’s license when she turned 18!
2. Linda loves to tango and salsa dance, although ice skating is her favorite sport.
3. Lemons are her favorite food.
4. She started ice skating in her 40s.
5. When Linda was four years old she was on the Howdy Doody Show. On National TV, she punched Buffalo Bob in the nose after she had repeatedly told him to stop pinching her cheeks. Shocked, he immediately went to commercial and she was whisked off the stage and banned from ever coming back on the show.
Highlights from Guided
- GUIDED is a roadmap for stepping on board at any point along your life path to join forces with your own Spirit Guides and Angels to create a better life than you could have done on your own.
- Sprinkled throughout the book are 137 universally applicable Tips, Lessons, and Awarenesses that Linda shares from her life-long relationship with her Spirit Guides and Angels.
- The book “Guided” is the true-life story of the many experiences she has had with her Guides throughout her life.
- The Guided Journey, an eight year undertaking, offers parents, coaches, counselors, teachers, professors, friends, and families self-help strategies found nowhere else.
- Seeing is believing. This is the first book written about Spirit Guides or Angels with a real photograph of one of them on the front cover. Linda took this photograph at Christmas time in 1994, after seeing them for over 40 years. When you look at it you will see why she also refer to them as Light Beings.
- From early childhood, Linda experienced something most people miss – she realized she was being “guided.” Now, after a lifetime of being guided, she is sharing what she learned, and most importantly, how she learned it.
Linda Deir Photos
Photos were taken in 2020
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Linda’s Life
Photos were taken 2001-2006
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Linda’s Int’l Award-Winning true story, GUIDED
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Publisher’s Logo
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