POINT of CONTACT to your Spirit Guides and Angels | Linda Deir

POINT of CONTACT to your Spirit Guides and Angels

Point of Contact products by Linda Deir

Using these “Point of Contact” products, you can begin to align your energy with your Spirit Guides and Angels. Get quiet, ask for “their” help, breathe in their energy, and just let it work.

These “Point of Contact” tools are reminders that you are never alone and always being guided.

The photograph on these products is Linda’s Spirit Guide Angel. She captured this photograph at Christmas time in 1994 with her 35 mm Nikon camera.

Two weeks later these same guides came to Linda in a dream telling her, “We allowed you to take our photograph because you are going to write a book about your relationship with us since you were a little girl.” Then they said, “We appeared so the world could believe.” Just like the photograph that Linda captured of her Guide in 1994, a primary feature on these products, this photograph is the primary feature on the front cover of Linda’s award-winning book GUIDED, by Linda Deir, published in 2014, 20 years later.

Use these products to “Make the Connection” … to your Spirit Guides and Angels and you will discover they are always available to you.