Linda Live! The Light Beings – Humanity is at a Tipping Point

Guided Journey

Healing the Connection to your Guides through your Dreams

(1 customer review)


Guided Journey Webinar

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Live what you are learning on your Journey, in the world as it is right now Bonus Webinar: ($29. value) When you register for this webinar you will receive the replay of the first Guided Journey Webinar free of charge, entitled; Live what you are learning on your Journey, in the world as it is right now.

Linda Deir is creator of the Guided Journey, a self-directed counseling service that her Guides and her developed to get you on your path – free to everyone. In this Guided Journey Webinar you will learn how to make a clear connection to your Guides, where they hang out every night in your dreams.

You have free guidance direct from your Spirit Guides every night throughout the night in your dreams. It’s your higher learning time because all earthly distractions are eliminated. In fact, the easiest way for your Guides to reach you is through your dreams. However, the benefits can only be realized by remembering them. I will be helping you on both fronts – ways to remember your dreams, so you can retrieve the guidance your dreams provided. What you do with that guidance requires decoding it. I have a fun and easy system to bring that about.

In this webinar, the Spirit Guides will be speaking to you about the many ways they send you understandings, and solutions to your problems, especially the recurring ones in your dreams ...  as I explain how it works in your life.

Your dreams have powerful messages for you. Cash in on the 1/3 of your life of free information that you have been missing, while restoring your connection to your Guides. Register for this webinar today.

This “Guided Journey Webinar” is followed up with my free self-directed counseling service entitled; the “Guided Journey,” that offers parents, coaches, counselors, teachers, professors, psychologists, friends, and families self-help strategies found nowhere else, so you can put what you will be learning into action. You will discover that life is not meant to be hard. What makes it hard is peoples’ resistance to it.


1 review for Healing the Connection to your Guides through your Dreams

  1. Nina Butera

    As a dreamer I am excited to follow Linda Deir’s Dreams. “Healing the Connection to Your Guides Through Your Dreams” demonstrates the importance of establishing a practice to be lucid within our dream state. Making a daily practice of writing my dreams in my dream journal expands my awareness. My consciousness is awakening, my senses are enhanced and strengthen to new levels. I am happier as I am now living my life with more meaning and purpose rather than being reactionary to life’s twists and turns with the help of my guides.

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