Linda Live! The Light Beings – Humanity is at a Tipping Point

Guided Journey

How Fearless Can You Be?


Guided Journey Webinar

Video Trailer

Live what you are learning on your Journey, in the world as it is right now Bonus Webinar: ($29. value) When you register for this webinar you will receive the replay of the first Guided Journey Webinar free of charge, entitled; Live what you are learning on your Journey, in the world as it is right now.

Linda Deir is creator of the Guided Journey, a self-directed counseling service that her Guides and her developed to get you on your path – free to everyone. In this Guided Journey Webinar you will learn how to be fearless in any situation, with the help of your Spirit Guides.

The pressure is on politically, socially, financially, and personally, which is directly affecting everything you do or plan to do. In order to make clear decisions going forward you must know how this works. In this Guided Journey Webinar you will be tasked with assessing your current situation so you have the information and skills to apply when the unexpected happens. Performing on this now will provide you with the preparation necessary to respond rather than react when the outer world works against you. Doing this will keep you in the fearless zone so you can think clearly and see beyond the fear based messages coming from the outer world.

They say, a journey begins with the first step, but how do you take the next ones? Stay on the path – join me for this Guided Journey Webinar.

“Getting prepared from the inside out for the new reality.” ~ Linda Deir

This “Guided Journey Webinar” is followed up with my free self-directed counseling service entitled; the “Guided Journey,” that offers parents, coaches, counselors, teachers, professors, psychologists, friends, and families self-help strategies found nowhere else, so you can put what you will be learning into action. You will discover that life is not meant to be hard. What makes it hard is peoples’ resistance to it.



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