Linda Deir Consciousness Training

Guided Journey

Linda Deir Consciousness Training

(2 customer reviews)


Four, consecutive 30-minute weekly training sessions

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I look forward to our time together on your journey to mastery over your life. ~ Linda

This is a 4-week, 30-minute weekly “Consciousness Training” session with Linda Deir and you, one-on-one, on a video call (total of 2-hours). All training sessions include a free high-definition video recording of these sessions.

Your Training Includes

A free download of GUIDED, Her Spirit Guide Angels Were Her Best Friends and Life Coaches© Guided, by Linda Deir


Unlike traditional therapy or coaching, my training with you utilizes my life experiences of living in two worlds simultaneously, so you can begin see the whole picture in your life. This always provides access to exceptional clarity and timely guidance. **Reading GUIDED before your training sessions begin is crutial to your success.**


A free download of My Guided Journey©

My Guided Journey© 1-on-1 training, using Linda's book, My Guided Journey, of self discovery and personal transformation©, will press on your intuition, prompting you to identify the … where, how, what, and why, of what’s really going on in your life, as it reveals itself to you in your writing. You can’t see it when you’re in it, but you will after your training with Linda. She will clarify what your journal writing is revealing about you. Only then, will you realize for yourself what has been hampering your life, causing unnecessary stress and struggle.

Linda Deir Training is derived from her proprietary "Guided Journal Writing System," available nowhere else.

  • 4-weekly, 30-minute consciousness training sessions with you and Linda Deir on a video call.
  • High def video of each consciousness training session to replay.
  • After each session, the video will be emailed to you to study between weekly sessions.

After payment is complete – Open your email (be sure to look in your spam folder) to find your email receipt. Inside the body of this receipt, it will read: Your order is complete - Click on DOWNLOAD link inside this email to get My Guided Journey©, journal. Under Products click on APPLICATION  - to schedule your 4-30-minute Consciousness Training sessions.

2 reviews for Linda Deir Consciousness Training

  1. Rebecca Andrews

    Linda’s consciousness training changed the course of my life. With her help I was able to awaken to different ideals that were put on me before age 5 that drove me down certain paths in life. Once Linda showed me how to identify the difference between what were my thoughts and feelings and what the world was putting on me: I could see purely who I was and where I needed to go in this life. She made me conscious of my life purpose and what I came here to do.

    Thank you Linda,

    I am off and running now, thanks to you


  2. Veronica

    Linda’s support for me in this training was instrumental in me getting through two blocks that I couldn’t fathom how to do on my own. These had to do with the important area of relationships in both business, and personal primarily… but ultimately my relationship with myself. Now, I feel so much more free and able to take the actions that support me, and others around me, in an exponential way on my journey through this lifetime of self-realization, evolution, and expansion.

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