Linda Live! 2020 … the Spirit Guides Navigate you Through the Volatile Year to Come
Video Trailer
Replay of the 2-hour live event held in Phoenix, Arizona
This is the replay for this webinar, watch anytime On-Demand after your purchase.
This is an interactive experience with the live audience revealing what the year 2020 personally holds for each one of you. The online viewers of this event will be able to participate in this process too, just like you were right there at the event. The Spirit Guides will speak with you all about what to expect in 2020. How the year 2020 will set the stage for the next 5 years of your life, and your part in it. You will feel the connection! You will know that you have help! You are never alone and always being guided.
"Linda has changed my life, in fact she has changed my life more than any other person ever has.” ~ Kathy Benefield Cartagena
"Just listened to this webinar. So wonderful. Great insights always come through for me as I participate: revelations and healings." ~ Thank you, Rebecca Grant
"I've been on a spiritual journey for more than 25 years. I've attended dozens of live seminars and events. Never have I come away with more life-altering information that I could put to use immediately than when I experienced Linda Deir Live!" ~ Joy Howard
"Having followed Linda Deir for over 2 years changed my life, but encountering the energy of her and her spirit guides in person was beyond anything I ever expected!" ~ Veronica Baca
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