Linda Live! The Light Beings - Preparing You for Your New Experiences

Guided Journey

Linda Live! The Light Beings – Preparing You for Your New Experiences

(1 customer review)


Video Trailer

This is the replay for this webinar, watch anytime On-Demand after your purchase. 

In this webinar, Linda and Ray channel information from the Light Beings. "We are the Light Beings Linda has known all her life, also referred to as her Spirit Guide Angels."

Here’s what the Light Beings will be talking to you about ...

"This historical lockdown of society and the destruction of the economy has given you time to reflect on what you truly value. The worldwide “quiet time” has also allowed everyone time to reflect on the experiences you were accustomed to having. When you are released into this newly reopened world, where everybody is expecting it to be “just like it used to be,” it will be a shock … and a totally different experience.

In this Special Webinar Presentation by the Light Beings, you will see how the “control” that will be imposed (upon the re-opening of the economy) will ruin the experiences you were expecting.

This control will affect everything you do, where you go, where you work, who you associate with, where and how you can travel, how you will be able to spend your money, and more.

Plus, you will learn how just one piece of technology will become the “gatekeeper” to all your experiences.

In this webinar, you will find out from the Light Beings how to position yourself now… where to live, the importance of having the right people in your life, how to work, and how to dodge the increasing amount of unwanted control over your life. They will shed light on the consequences of following your free will as opposed to complying with mandates. You will understand what the consequences will be when saying, “No more!” and the consequences of relinquishing your free will?

In this webinar, the Light Beings will show you your options for whichever way you decide to go. You are part of a global experiment. An experiment that will continue to test your boundaries."

"Thank you for putting on these webinars. I've attended a few of  them in the past and always found them to be informative and powerful. The guidance that comes through from the Light Beings couldn't be more timely.  I've spent the last few months at home by myself wondering about what it will look like once I can resume some semblance of a "normal" life. I'm looking forward to what the Light Beings have to say in this webinar."~ Monica Garrison, Omaha


"There's so much conflicting narrative out there between the news and the Internet that I don't know who to believe. When I hear your Light Beings speak I know I'm hearing the Truth because I can feel it!" ~ Stephanie P., Tucson


"Linda, when I try to talk to my friends about what I think is going on with this pandemic and the world, they look at me like I'm some kind of conspiracy nut. I know there's much more happening than what we are allowed to see and feel that your Light Being advisors have a much better perspective on it than anybody. They say that they come in "Truth and Love"  and I know that to be true. I can't wait to hear what they have to say this time!"  ~ Brian Wilcox, Tacoma, WA 

1 review for Linda Live! The Light Beings – Preparing You for Your New Experiences

  1. Viola

    I love Linda’s Weekly Guided Insights. I enjoy them so much, especially because they tally in with these monthly private webinar videos. The combination of the two is Gold. The writing is magnificent! You have set up something so valuable.

    Regarding your most recent weekly insight, “Playing the Cards You Were Dealt” – I fully relate to the part there the Guides said, “once you’re focused on your own cards, the only way to play is with fierceness and focus, seeing it through to the end. 🍀

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