Support the work of Linda Deir, Your work changed my life

Guided Journey

Support the work of Linda Deir, YOUR WORK CHANGED MY LIFE

Support the work of Linda Deir …

"Your work changed my life."

About the work of Linda Deir


REVIEWS: From supporters who found my true story, GUIDED, then found my work:

Review for, GUIDED: "Life changing book. Thank you! My mom recently purchased your book, Guided for me. I had been sick for a very long time. I spent a lot of time just waiting to die, and honestly never thought I'd still be alive at 45, let alone 50.

I know when I became sick, my guides tried so hard to divert me from the path I chose, I didn't listen to my intuition, and spent 17 years paying for it. But also learning.

Now that I acknowledge them, and know they are real, my life has changed. Through your book, I was able to understand a lot of the things I went through were for reasons I just didn't know at the time. I wrote throughout the book while reading it, it really resonated with me."

Venus Lynn Usher

Review for, GUIDED: "A must read!. I am a fan. I knew the moment I read the intro I would be moved. My husband and I both listened to the story. When we met over dinner at the end of the day, there wasn't the usual "how was your day? " we had "where are you in the book?" Or "Are you at the part where ..."

I have shared this story with many people. People I know that would experience the same feelings I had. Let the healing begin. Thank you Linda for sharing your life with me. I am forever grateful. Blessings."

~ Traci

Review for, GUIDED: "This book is life changing and I highly recommend it. Linda and her husband, Ray, have been casual acquaintances of mine for a couple years. One day Ray told me about this book that Linda had just finished writing and I became quite interested. Once I started reading the book, I read it within a weeks time. I found it incredible that she was able to overcome such an abusive mother and still thrive as she did. Using her guides for friends and for direction in life made all the difference. This book has brought me to more awareness and I'm now interested in seeking out my own guides. It's opened up a whole new way of thinking about things. This book is life changing and I highly recommend it."

~ Linda M.

Review for, GUIDED: "This book helped get my life back together. Linda's life is an inspiration and has motivated me to forge a new path for myself. Without the book that I found, exactly when I needed to find it, I don't know if I would have the confidence to proceed in this new life path. Linda narrates it wonderfully on the audio-book, and if you think you were supposed to find this book - guess what, you were." 🙂

~ Gabriel

Review for, GUIDED: "Clarification About Angels. I completed the audio last night. I am somewhat speechless. I was guided to purchase the audio book early last week. I was not familiar with Linda, her story or her work and website. I felt led to purchase the book and so I did. It has been the most incredible healing adventure. I have tears in my eyes as I write this because this book has answered so many questions and clarified so many of my life events since childhood.

I learned so many things about my guides through Linda’s depiction of hers. I realize now that they have literally been with me my entire life…speaking to me, guiding me, protecting me and comforting my broken heart through heartache, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, divorce, grief and loss, etc. I learned more over the last week listening to Linda’s experiences, than I have in my entire 45 years on this earth.This is saying a lot because I have had many wonderful mentors and an extensive education, but Linda’s stories have brought significant clarification to questions I have had for years."

Eileen Shoals, Psy.D., LMFT'S

Review for, GUIDED and My Guided Journey: 

Amazon Customer Review
Kathy Cartagena - Amazon review

"This system guides you through digging into your past for stuck emotions that need releasing.  This journaling system is such an awesome concept! It is so easy to note where the guidance came from so that when you look back through your journal, you can easily identify the baby steps the guides have been giving you. It is just so wonderful to have someone with so much experience with the guides helping us learn how to communicate better with our own guides. Thank you for devoting your time and resources to helping us each evolve. The book Guided and this journaling system has truly changed my life. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."  ~ Kathy Cartagena

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