Real improvement is a process of listening.

Guided Journey


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NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

Real improvement is a process of listening, it’s building a communication bridge to us.

However, people have trouble establishing “a process of listening.” They don’t want to be bothered figuring it out much less following it. That’s why people, no matter how much they say they want to improve … don’t. We see that wanting something is not enough.

The secret to improving on anything in your life is locked inside your daily routine. The process of improvement will stem from your ability to listen for our messages. These messages must be addressed one bite at a time. You won’t just wake up one morning and have this newly improved ability. You don’t lose 50 pounds while you sleep without any effort other than wanting it.

You can’t improve on anything without first having the desire to do it and seeing it happening in your life.

Any doubt or negative self-talk and you will be defeated before you start. It’s working on this desire to improve, into your daily routine, that ultimately brings the desired result or something better. If you want to lose weight and have that goal sometime in the future, each day you must set aside time to do certain things like, eating better and start exercising even if it’s just walking around the block.

Figure out how many calories you need to burn to lose one pound and start each day doing one particular thing that leads you toward losing that one pound. Next, if you double your daily routine you will lose two pounds. Doing what it takes every day, a new habit that you don’t have to think about or worry about is how you improve. This little change in your life, making room in your daily routine for what’s important to you, will always yield great results.

The real improvement is a process of listening, so expect to hear us.


CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • You can want to improve and think about improving, but if you don’t change your daily routine you have already lost.
  • People believe they don’t have any extra time to do anything. They are not “listening.”
  • Identify what it is you need and tell the universe. Then, listen for our direction

HOW IT WORKS: Improvement of any kind starts by making a change in your routine so you can start to see what is now possible and available to you. You aren’t the same person you were, one, two, three, five, ten years ago. So what’s available to you now is totally different than before.

You won’t know what that is until you change your routine and turn up your inner listening. To listen in this “inner” way is how you will realize that real improvement can only be achieved through this process of listening. This will very likely surprise you because it will have no relevance to your past. This is why “listening” to what’s coming through will make you and your Spirit Guides glad you haven’t forgotten what’s important – your connection to them! ~ Linda Deir




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