- The takeaway from this episode is … you will become more aware of the useless thinking that serves no purpose.
- Here’s what this will do for you … as your awareness improves you will become more sensitive to the useless thinking from those around you.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … with improved awareness, your tolerance for useless thinking will get shorter, so expect to replace the useless thinkers with like-minded people.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
People reside in a world of mostly useless thinking.
The average person has 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day, that’s 2,500 to 3,300 every hour. The problem is not with how many thoughts they have but that 80 percent are negative, and 95 percent are repetitive.
These thoughts are rooted in self-doubt and fears.
They are derived from events that happened in the past. It could be a failure or a setback that you experienced. If these thoughts continue, they can lead to depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and maybe even develop into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD. It’s these useless repetitive thoughts that lead to mental health disorders.
There are three different kinds of thinking …
- There’s the kind you use for everyday problem-solving.
- The second kind is the ones you utilize when you are in the now, the present moment, focusing on the situation or a problem that’s going on right now.
- The third kind contains all the chatter that goes on in everyone’s mind.
Observe this when walking down the street and everyone is walking around looking down at their phones, or maybe even talking to themselves while listening to the chatter in their heads. The problem with all this chatter is that people are making judgments from this relentless chatter that they call thinking. They’re going through a process of judgment that leads to their beliefs. This happens repetitively throughout the day and forms negative belief loops that you use to run your life and make decisions with.
The situation goes like this – you have some kind of unfavorable thought. This thought could be an occurrence or a thought about something that happened in the past. Then you create a type of narrative that goes along with that thought that becomes a belief. Then that belief influences your thinking and decision-making for what you do next and into the future.
The mind chatter – if the chatter drives all these negative narratives, it’s almost always NOT in your best interest when making decisions since most of your thoughts are negative. So, how do you learn to stop the chatter? You really can’t stop it all, but you can redirect it when you recognize it by neutralizing it. You do this by becoming an observer. You observe everything like it’s the first time you experienced it, just like you did as a new person when you first got here. Young children do not form negative beliefs out of their experiences, they are neutral, in the present moment, and experience what that is.
However, as an adult, what you think about your experiences eventually shapes your world. What you experience is shaped by what you think about them. So, what you think about is critical to your life. Therefore, only focus on the experiences you are having and do not judge them as, good, or bad as they are happening, they are just what they are.
Write down how your experiences made you feel the moment you had them.
Keep writing down these experiences daily, especially the ones you think are out of the ordinary. After a few weeks, you will start to realize which ones are the important ones and which ones are useless thinking. By doing this every day you will be able to spot your useless thinking and mind chatter.
It’s only by chronicling these experiences and asking yourself how you feel about them and what you realized that will give you a clear picture of the best action to take going forward.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
Observe what you are thinking about when you are walking around looking down?
Catch yourself before the habitual negative or repetitive thoughts you’ve had many times before it takes over.
The only way you can control your thoughts is to become an observer of them without judgment.
HOW IT WORKS: Useless thinking requires your immediate attention, otherwise, your mind will continue to take you down the same road of poor decisions and uneasiness. No one ever taught you how to think, only what to think. No wonder you have so much chatter going on in your head, it’s the confusion that has piled up over the years. What you must do now is redirect the confusion with an open mind. This is your new starting place. Spend 15 minutes a day writing in your journal about what is confusing to you, so you can learn how to think instead of what to think. The by-product of getting this thinking thing right is having a connection to your guidance. I learned this at a very young age. ~ Linda Deir
How should I stop myself from useless thinking, and understand things better? – Quora
Say goodbye to useless thoughts. Here’s how to do it politely – Medium