What GUIDED Teaches

Guided Journey

  • The takeaway from this episode is … you will recall when being guided was as natural as breathing.
  • Here’s what this will do for you … when pondering your early childhood, you will start to remember when your ability to receive guidance was a conversation that went on and on.
  • Here’s what I want you to do with it … write the guidance down in your journal, so you stop missing it.


Click Here to select from the Guided Journey Webinars ... about how to live what you are learning on this Guided Journey - in the world as it is right now.

NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

Looking back on your life, when was the first time you felt someone was watching you?

When was the first time you heard someone talking to you, either out loud or in your head? You looked around and saw that nobody was there, when, the fact is, many were there. Your first inclination was right, although you could not explain it to anyone else.

This awareness – that something else was going on, started in childhood, you began to weigh your conversations with these elusive friends. You started feeling comfortable talking to them, playing in their presence, as they showed you new things. You were learning through experience. You were beginning to self-realize.

Soon the feeling of separation started creeping in when you realized you were different. You were much different than people wanted you to be. You acted differently than they did. They expected you to act just like them. They told you what to believe, what to think, what to say and do, even though it felt wrong for you. This is what caused you to compromise your experiences so you wouldn’t be labeled an oddball. It wasn’t your choice to be this oddball, you were just being you.

GUIDED, by Linda Deir

Then, you reached that crossroads where you knew there was no going back. At this point, you either decided to be yourself or fit into the group. The consequences of being a unique person, your own person, became too much, so you became like those around you. These choices had long-lasting consequences that would affect you for decades to come. The lessons that you learned from choosing to fit in, would eventually lead you back to yourself and to us.

Looking back, these were the “life took over years.” You got pushed, pulled, and knocked around just like a pinball. Bumping through life hoping you wouldn’t slip down the hole, but that’s what happened, over and over again.

What happened was the distractions and illusions became your reality and belief systems.

But now that’s all changing. You are older, and all the things that you have allowed to control you are coming into question. You had a lot of lessons to learn before you could get around to what you came here to do. So, when do you get to experience the life you came here to live?

What GUIDED Teaches …

  • Starts with knowing yourself first.
  • How to recover the knowledge you came into this life with.
  • How to reconnect to the spiritual guidance that was all around you, and still is. Living in 2 worlds!
  • Learn to hear us again. The guidance is easy to hear, understand, and apply, but it involves choice. A choice you haven’t made since you came here as a new person.

It’s time to unravel all the wrong things you have learned. We don’t want you to be afraid. It’s not something you have to do that’s painful, it’s something you finally get to do, so you don’t miss the life you intended to live before you came here.

CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • What happened to the guidance and the connection you had to the spirit world when you first arrived?
  • Recall how old you were when you felt it slipping away?
  • You now have a chance to reconnect to your Spirit Guides … so, what will you do?

HOW IT WORKS: My true story, GUIDED, shows you what you have been missing, how you missed it, and how to never miss it again. This will happen when you start to write down the guidance that’s always coming through.

What GUIDED teaches  awakens you to your own guidance by first, reminding you who you are. Knowing yourself is the first curriculum that your Spirit Guides will point you to go. Until you know yourself can you be in the present moment.

Your Spirit Guides only reside in the present moment. So, if you are not present how can they reach you? Having a connection to your Spirit Guides is a by-product of knowing yourself first. When this happens, you will no longer be separate or disconnected from your Guides. The struggle will end because you are connected and consciously living in two worlds. This is what aligns you with your guidance all the time. ~ Linda Deir




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