- The takeaway from this episode is … fear will become a positive motivator when you stop trying to run and hide.
- Here’s what this will do for you … when you stop letting fear push you around, only then will you be able to connect with your purpose for being here.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … to begin this process spend 15 minutes daily having a private conversation with those who know you best – your Guides.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
There are many motivating forces in your life and fear is certainly one of them.
It’s the fear of losing something that many times motivates people to take action. The first thing that a person needs to recognize is that the fear is real. You are not making it up.
However, fear has been used to control you within your society. It’s fear that gets people to do things like vote for a particular person or party or when the doctor tells you if you don’t start exercising and change your diet you are going to die. You never gave it much thought until the fear of death entered the picture. You never got motivated enough to go to the gym instead of going to happy hour.
When the fear is real and staring you in the face you will respond willingly because you are fearful of losing something. Combine the fear of losing something with the fear that you already lack most of the things you believe would make you happy and now you are really scared.
You are fearful of the things you are being told on the news, but you are also wondering about the things you’re not being told. How much worse could it be? It’s enough to make everyone keep their guard up and be nervous about the future.
In past times the future was further out than it is now.
People can see things speeding up around the world; with economic challenges, the threat of new wars, terrorist attacks, the threat of automation, and robotics starting to take over most of the jobs. All this is real and not made up by you. This causes you to think about the odds of losing your job or even finding one or getting attacked as you do things to make yourself into a smaller target.
You think about moving away or stay put and shore up your life for when things get tough, or if a major catastrophe hits. All this fear going on in your life every day is what keeps you off-balance. Being preoccupied with all of these uncertainties will cause you to miss the timely guidance we are sending you. Your guidance is always turned on and coming through but the more fearful you are the less you will be able to hear it.
You start listening more to what you are telling yourself, as you ponder our guidance, imagining what the news is not telling you.
Nobody knows how to really think any of this through. They don’t want to talk about it to their friends or family either, for fear of being criticized and judged, another fear response.
So, what do you do? You can’t pretend by sugar-coating things. So, you see things for what they are and not how you want or wish them to be. It’s time to stop putting off responsibility and take control of your life so you can survive these challenging times. If you listen well you will not only survive … but thrive.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- The fear you feel is definitely real – so what!
- There’s much more that society is not telling you that would make you more fearful if you didn’t know who you already are.
- Everybody’s guard is up and people are spending much time, effort, and money trying to build up the castle walls so the bad things cannot get in.
HOW IT WORKS: Building up your castle walls is the wrong way to spend your time and effort. It’s about preparing yourself because there’s nowhere to hide or run from any of this. Acknowledge that things are not going back to the way they were 10 or 20 years ago. You must adapt to what is changing in the world by changing your priorities now and get some preparations in order. This will prevent you from getting caught up in the chaos that’s unfolding. The Spirit Guides feel the pressure building in our world and that’s why they are bringing this to our attention now. So, let the fear you feel be a positive motivator by connecting with the guidance that has always been available to you. ~ Linda Deir
What Is Fear Motivation? And 4 Positive Motivational Techniques To Use Instead – Career Guide
Does Fear Motivate Workers — or Make Things Worse? – Knowledge at Wharton
Does fear motivate workers or make things worse? – RetailWire
I watched you on Jeff Mara. I have lived a fear-based life for all of my life, I’m almost 68. At the age of 8 a broken person entered my life and instilled fear in me. I watched a TedX feed that explained that early childhood trauma/abuse actually changes the brain into hypervigilant mode, which was quite an eye opener as to why I think the way I do. I really don’t know where to start on this. I am left-handed right brain and have always considered myself forgetful.
Being forgetful is the first sign of past trauma(s). What starts out as protection, if not faced sometime in the future, becomes a detriment in life. It must be healed.
Trauma struck me at 20 months old, here’s a short video about that life-changing day: https://lindadeir.com/guided-chapter-2-torment-brings-my-guides-into-focus
Having lived a childhood of mental and physical abuse from the family I was born into, when I didn’t think it could get any worse my mother almost killed me and that’s when I asked out loud for someone to help me and my Guides appeared, telepathically communicating with me about who I was and my purpose for being here. Having watched the JeffMara Podcast, you know the rest of the story. I can only tell you that ultimately it was journal writing that saved my sanity. This is how communication with my Spirit Guides strengthened, so I could figure things out ‘then’, and throughout the rest of my life. Without this way of communicating with myself and them I am sure that I too would have been a victim of that childhood.
It’s not too late to unravel the damage that fell upon you. I suggest you sign up for my weekly announcement to get the encouragement you need to take this on: https://lindadeir.com/sign-up-to-healings-with-linda/
Linda Deir Transition Coach, Conversations with your Spirit Guides and Angels, a transition to higher consciousness