When You Write It Down It Becomes, Still

Guided Journey

  • The takeaway from this episode is … spending 15 minutes a day to write in your journal will change your life forever.
  • Here’s what this will do for you … you will no longer be able to pretend things are different from what they are.
  • Here’s what I want you to do with it … once you have one month of journal entries, go back and review what you wrote to see your real self beginning to emerge.

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NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

Everything is energy and in a constant state of motion, that is until you write it down, that’s when it becomes still.

The only way you will know, for sure, what to do and when to do it is when you have a map. This map consists of the guidance you are always being sent from us, your Guides. It shows you how you got where you are and the choices you made along the way. It points you in a clear direction. Without a map of the guidance your Guides are always sending you, you would be lost and guessing your way through life. This guidance is collected by writing it in your journal, it’s your point of reference, your unwavering compass.

How do you look at your past, or at what just happened? Do you look back and see things that happened? Are they different from how you remember them now?

Only once you take the time to write guidance down can you begin to examine it.

Once you commit it to paper, only then does it become still, so you can look at it from a distance, as an observer rather than a participant. As we have said before, you can’t see it when you’re in it, but we can. This is particularly important since you get guidance each day and miss most of it. Write that guidance down in your journal, so you can study it over time. You are looking for patterns and clues in the guidance that comes through on different days that has a common thread running through it.

It’s all about making the connection so you can see the clear direction you’re being guided to go. Many times, the guidance you receive is not complete until you get additional guidance that brings it all together, and then it makes sense. It’s the map for your life. This guidance could come through over a period of days, weeks, months, or even years. It is all-important in the big picture of your life.

This guidance that we are always sending you comes through your dreams, or the first thing that comes into your mind when you wake up, driving, listening to music, in the shower, and doing mindless things of any kind. Our guidance comes to you so naturally that many times you will assume it came from you. Write it down anyway because until it is still, will you be able to see and feel the difference between what came from you and what came from us.

Looking back in your journal, it will all fall together like chapters in a book.

Not writing it all down would be like picking up a book and reading chapter 15, then chapter 8, then chapter 28. The book wouldn’t make any sense. You would be reading it out of context just like trying to remember what happened in your life, let alone the meaning and direction of your story (your life). Not writing the guidance down the moment it comes through would make it impossible to unravel later to see the natural unfolding of your life.

If you have never experienced this before … then you are in for an exciting adventure.

You will understand what it feels like to be in the flow and out of resistance. Writing your guidance down as soon as it happened will stand a better chance that you will tell it just like it happened without writing it the way you wanted it to be.

You are not telling a story, you are telling the truth. The truth will tell the story.

It also provides the opportunity for you to come back and review it. That’s when you will experience those aha moments as you see how it all fits together. You will see how what was sent as guidance six months ago has relevance in your life now. Capturing the guidance as it comes through will show you the complete picture of your life going forward. You will know what to do and confusion will be a thing of the past.

CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • Guidance is many times incomplete at the moment a single piece of guidance comes through, so keep writing. It’s a story in progress.
  • Write down each piece of guidance you receive, and you will begin to see patterns emerging that need healing.
  • Beware, if you miss parts of the guidance because you neglected to write it down, it’s like buying a book that has missing chapters.

HOW IT WORKS: When you write the guidance down in your journal it becomes still, this is how you isolate what has been lying under the surface. Writing it down not only brings that guidance into this world but prevents it from future distortions or forgetting it entirely. A major benefit of writing it down is that you will be improving your connection to your Guides. Your growing awareness of this timely guidance will be greatly improved as you continue to practice this every day.

For the first time ever, you will have a map for your life, a compass pointing you in the right direction. As you continue to write their guidance in your journal you will experience times when you act on the guidance before you even have a chance to write it down. At this point, you are more connected to your Guides and the Universe than ever before. Your life will have direction and meaning. You will be in the right place at the right time. You will feel the connection. You will realize that you do have help, you are never alone and always being guided. Doubt and fear will no longer be your first response. The struggle will be over. ~ Linda Deir




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