- The takeaway from this episode is … a tsunami of change is coming on many fronts, so remain aware and prepared.
- Here’s what this will do for you … you will pay more attention to the tremors building up to the tsunami of change, along with the direction your Spirit Guides are pointing you to go.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … it’s never been a more important time than right now to write down the guidance you are receiving.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
Once you reach a boiling point it is followed up by a tsunami of change.
These changes are not a surprise. Just like a tsunami, you get warned ahead of time. In nature, tsunamis are preceded by earthquakes just like volcanos are. While the volcano is symbolic of a boiling point, the earthquake is symbolic of a breaking point. Something got stressed so badly that it shifted, it moved suddenly and quickly but it was building for years. Some of life’s stresses are stronger than others just like earthquakes. There is always a spiritual meaning in it for you.
Soon after the earthquake, tsunami warnings come. You can see a tsunami coming. It’s not going to sneak up on you because it’s big and right in your face. Even though you see it coming, you can’t stop it, you can’t run from it, or control it. It’s already too late.
This tsunami is a game-changer that will require you to change with it.
But what if you don’t want to change right now? What if it’s not convenient for you to make big changes at this time? A tsunami is not a respecter of your convenience. It’s coming, you’ve been warned, and you can’t stop it.
Why do so many people resist change when it’s happening all the time?
It’s a process, it’s gradual, which is why you may not take notice until it’s right in your face. When a big change comes, people say things like, “I didn’t see it coming.” But that’s not true. You did see and feel it coming. It was building for years. It’s in the build-up that you were receiving the warning to take action to prepare for the coming change.
Like when a tsunami is coming, you must head for high ground. The spiritual meaning of this is that you can’t see it when you’re in it, so rise above the chaos so you can see it for what it is without panicking.
The only thing that prevents people from changing is fear. These fears are rooted in belief systems and habits from the past. It’s these fears that prevent you from having the clarity needed to make a new decision, rather than making the same old decisions you’ve made over and over in the past.
Listen for our guidance, willingly take action, and do not fear this change because you are never alone and always being guided.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- So, what we know for sure … a tsunami of change is coming.
- You have been given an advanced warning, so take action now.
- You must take action now by getting prepared for the day the tsunami of change arrives.
HOW IT WORKS: A tsunami of change is the final stage of all the changes building up to it, the grand finale. It’s been a long time coming and then, all of a sudden everything changes. But it didn’t really happen “all of a sudden.” You saw and felt it coming for a long time. It’s a point of no return, a moment when life changes forever.
Change begins by reaching a boiling point, followed by tremors from an earth-shaking event setting off a tsunami of change.
Our world has been coming to a boiling point for many years as tremors in politics, the economy, health care, education, financial systems, free speech, and security have been under increasing pressure. If you have been seeing and feeling this, then you have already been receiving the warning signs – the guidance. Do not doubt that there are big changes coming. Don’t let it scare you either, because it’s been building for a long time, and the fact that you are still here means you are part of the new world. So, ride this wave without resistance because this is the world we collectively agreed to recreate before we got here. ~ Linda Deir
I’ve had two dreams of tsunamis over the past month. So it was cool for me to see the title on this insight! I’m doing small steps each day to make choices by rising above, instead of out of fear and old habits like how I used to do. I feel more confident now that we can live in a different way, a changed way of the world. And it could actually be better!
In your dreams, you are being prepared for the massive storms lapping up on all our doorsteps. All you are need to do is stay connected, so your guidance can reach you and you can respond, not react. Changing with it. Write everything down that’s going on within you, in your journal. It will become more important than you can imagine. As long as you remain connected you will be guided. That’s how you will make the world a better place … by example.
I started feeling the build up several years ago. We started preparing for it a couple of years ago. I have been following my prompting and guides. When we talk to other people about what we are doing they say things like, “I wish I was as brave as you to make such bold moves” or “We just don’t have the courage to do what you guys are doing”. It’s like we are moving forward and others are stuck in place with fear.
Humanity is getting plenty of warning signs now but, like you said, your preparedness looks extreme to them, when in fact, it’s the only option. As we all watch what’s happening, each person needs to ask themselves, “what’s the worst thing you can imagine happening to you and your loved ones when your options are no longer available to you?” What would that force you into? How could you protect those who depend on you to know what to do? Family, friends, neighbors, pets? … and the list goes on. So, even if you are prepared, this natural need to help others will dash any attempt to really be ready for what’s coming. Like the saying goes, give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach the man to fish and he will eat every day. They must be willing to learn to fish (tell them about the Guided Journey) so they understand themselves better. This one action will place them in the clarity that awaits them, so they can accept the ugly truths, and from that awakening they will have the capasity do something about it. This is how they will find their way out of the fear that has controlled them throughout their lives. It’s the reason the “Guided Journey” exist – no one is left out.
I have felt these changes coming for some time, but instead of fear I have had unexplained giddy excitement. My guidance keeps telling me good change is coming. I am ready to accept the change and be of service in helping others to accept it as well. It will be very different, but I truly feel it will be so much better. Thank you for your teachings and your unwavering service to others.
You have been taking the Guided Journey for years, from Linda’s Weekly Guided Insights that are published every Tuesday, delivered to your email box. You have overcome many blocks – and from staying on your path you have become a source of guidance for others. You are already there.
To make your efforts easier, tell those who come to you for guidance about the Guided Journey. This Guided Journey respects what they already know but buried so long ago they forgot it was there. Also, you won’t have to work so hard explaining the awakening process, they will come upon it themselves – just like you did. They will learn quickly, just like you. So, service to others will be a fun and fascinating journey for both of you!