Linda Deir is creator of the Guided Journey, a self-directed counseling service that her Guides and her developed to get you on your path – free to everyone. In this Webinar, using part 3 of "My Guided Journey©," the Guides and Linda will talk about the immediate urgency of applying Spiritual Solutions for Mental Wellness into your life.
This Guided Journey Webinar will address mental challenges and ways to restore balance and harmony in your life by looking within - where the spiritual solution to any imbalance resides.
Mental illness refers to a wide variety of mental health disorders that affect your mood, thinking, and behavior. A mental health “concern” such as depression or anxiety becomes an “illness” when the symptoms start causing constant stress affecting your ability to function in your day-to-day life.
The Guides will shed light on ways to bring about positive changes so the healing can begin. You can’t see it when you’re in it, but the Guides can and will show you a clear path to a balanced purposeful life.
This “Guided Journey Webinar” is followed up with my free self-directed counseling service entitled; the “Guided Journey,” that offers parents, coaches, counselors, teachers, professors, psychologists, friends, and families self-help strategies found nowhere else, so you can put what you will be learning into action. You will discover that life is not meant to be hard. What makes it hard is peoples’ resistance to it.
Brigid –
Today I was guided to find this latest webinar, Spiritual Solutions for Mental Wellness, which speaks to us about an impending, life-changing event that we can best prepare for by developing a close connection with our spirit guides. Lately I’ve been noticing around me concerns over people’s mental well-being and I also have been wanting to get back to journaling to ground the fleeting insights that flit through my mind during the day. By listening to and maintaining a connection with our guides, who are always there for us, we’ll be able to feel more certainty during the coming chaos and, hopefully, be a light for others.
Betty –
This is my first webinar with Linda. It was a collaborative experience with Linda and the Guides. Before listening to the webinar I journaled. As Linda relayed messages from the Guides I was taken aback by the strong connection we have with our Guides when we apply ourselves. As soon as the messaging began I noticed my journaling paralleled the guides messages, as if though I had a pre-webinar session with the Guides, amazing! The webinar was insightful and practical. The Guides were very clear and Linda was able to relay, communicate, and dissect messages in a manner that will allow us to immediately apply the messages to our day to day life. Linda’s collaboration with the Guides is extraordinary and I look forward to working with the Guides in the same fashion. Thank you, Linda!
Nina –
After I listened to this webinar “Spiritual Solutions for Mental Wellness,” I followed up by going into a brief meditation. Know that I grew up in a military family and worked for a period of time as contract support with Navy & AF Programs. The words that came to mind astonished me.
1. PREPAREDNESS – for any situation.
2. READINESS – ability to execute.
3. RESPONSE – force to deploy where needed.