- The takeaway from this episode is … stress is meant to get your attention, not destroy you.
- Here’s what this will do for you … feel the stress, write them down in order of intensity.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … this is what these stresses are telling you about yourself.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
There are stress tests for everything.
A bank will go through a stress test to see if they are suitable to continue as a viable financial institution. A new product will go through several stress tests to see if it will hold up once it’s in the marketplace.
Stress is what breaks products and takes down financial institutions. It’s also what destroys people’s lives, however, there’s no scheduled time when a person must take a stress test to determine if they are suitable to continue as they are.
The causes of stress are many.
When you came into this world as a new person you didn’t know the meaning of the word. You came here stress-free. For the first few years of your life, you pretty much didn’t experience stress, everything came easily because whatever you needed was provided for you by someone else. All you had to do was cry or look cute.
- Then something happened; it is called normal parenting. Normal parenting told you that you couldn’t think a certain way, or act a certain way, or what to believe or not. This was your first experience with stress.
- Next, came societal pressures. Pressures in school from your classmates and pressures from your teachers to reach certain levels of study. It also came from playground cliques of people who, as a condition of being allowed into their exclusive group, told you who you could and who you couldn’t like.
- After many years of school pressure and stress, you had to go out into the world and find meaningful work so you could survive. You had to make enough money to pay back student loans while paying your monthly bills. In chasing all of this you endured many wrong jobs just so you could survive. Each unfulfilling job just piled more stress upon you. You wanted to have a meaningful calling, something you had a passion for, but money requirements and the pain of past stresses prevented you from ever seeing yourself as being able to achieve this.
- All along, you were conditioned to buy stuff. The stress to keep up your image and own things became all-consuming. You bought cars, clothes, houses, furniture and created a family to put into those houses. Sounds mechanical, doesn’t it? All of this piled on even more stress requiring you to protect and maintain it all.
- Soon stress takes a toll on your health. Some theories say that all diseases are stress-based. Were you sick when you first came here, as a baby? Most babies are fairly healthy if they receive even the bare minimum of shelter, food, and love. However, now stress is causing you to be depressed or anxious. You start to looking back and recycle the old stress that got you where you are now. Doing this, you have revictimized yourself and the result is more stress. You fight the stress and suppress it with addictions like alcohol, drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, food, sexual addictions, or even exercising all the time to take your mind off the daily stress of your life.
Instead of seeking addictions to avoid the stress, you must go back to the time when you were a baby, a new person before these stresses were forced upon you. You must identify all the things in your life that cause your stress and eliminate them one-by-one. Identify if it’s relationships, a job, owning things, or feeling the social pressures that are causing your stress.
After you have identified and resolved the cause of the stresses, it’s as simple as walking away from them and not look back.
Some may believe that even thinking about walking away from things and people that reinforced the stress would be hard, if not impossible to walk away from, but once you begin to remember what that baby felt like before the stress started, the moment you walk away you will feel the stresses decrease immediately.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- You didn’t bring any stress with you, so don’t justify it now.
- Stress is something that was forced upon you by parents and society before you could defend yourself.
- In order to eliminate the stress, you must break the patterns within you that keep the stress alive in your life.
HOW IT WORKS: Stress has become a collective mental illness. Letting the stresses in life rule your life is not living your life. It’s letting what others want you to do and think continue to control you. It’s living by someone else’s rules and what it takes to fit in. Over time, it makes you feel like a machine. No wonder you feel empty and unfulfilled.
By the time you reach your mid-30s, your passions begin to surface, guiding you toward your purpose and mental wellness. This is when you start searching for what is meaningful, spiritual solutions to what really matters to you. No one can tell you what’s missing, which is why you need to evolve through this on your own. Only you have your answers. So, stress is a good thing when you use it to course correct. If you follow your guidance you will move through the stress traps quickly, directing you to the life you intended to live before you got here. ~ Linda Deir
Even though I believe that I follow my guidance, I still experience tremendous relationship and work stress.
So I must be missing something here. In work I experience stress because it feels meaningless and empty and unfulfilling, but I have no idea what my passions are so I can follow them. I have so many things I feel passionate about for 3 days, and then the passion fades away. Why is that happening? I feel kind of lost there. Except for outdoor sports, that kind of sticks in my passion field. And I love helping others, quickly and swiftly.
I have had many love relationships. I need a steady strong sportive partner next to me but today I got dumped again by a Mister “smoking-unstable-couch-potato.” Okay he was not a steady strong sportive partner so that is why that might have gone wrong 🙈, however I feel SO sad and alone every time this happens. Stress all over the place. What can you and the guides say about that?
In addition, Linda already told me that this person I dated, was not intended to be a romantic partner, but just a friendship. Her advise was to look at the relationship as a project to learn from, and not get emotionally involved. And of course this is true and it ended today because I got emotionally involved. How can I see through the sadness and learn from this? THANK You 🙏
To gain an different perspective using this incident – do this. Put yourself in his shoes. How does he feel after this breakup? Does he feel anything at all? Will he only miss your great cooking (what he got from you) or does he have the capasity to feel he lost the best thing he ever had (what he could give to you)?
You need to feel that you matter, and do what matters. That’s where you are stuck, repeating the same patterns in relationships (the void) and your work (your lack of meaning in life). These are cycles that must be interupted. This cycle (pattern) starts with the void, the meaningless relationships. It’s like walking in place.
Suggestion: take the time you would spend in another meaningless relationship to do work that you are really passionate about. Give your passions direction. Now, this is self-created stress, the kind of stress you control.
Thank you Linda ❤️