Energy Blockages Are The Root Cause Of Illness you draw to you

Guided Journey

  • The takeaway from this episode is … you will learn how to head off a health problem before it ever has a chance to become one.
  • Here’s what this will do for you … take better care of yourself, starting with exposing present patterns that are causing inner conflicts, so you can get to work on healing them now.
  • Here’s what I want you to do with it … the spiritual solution to healing your emotions, is willingly facing your lessons head-on, so you can begin to have experiences, not more lessons.


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NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

When it comes to your energy you draw to you whatever you emote or put out. This is the true explanation of the Law of Attraction.

Your inner energy changes bring about outer changes all around you. Inside, you have stuck emotions. These emotions are energy and need to be cleared out and released. As you begin to clear them out, your outer world will clear up without any effort on your part.

Releasing energy brings “like energy” that you are right now. It’s that simple.

If you allow these unresolved energy conflicts to remain unresolved and stuck inside you, along with their associated emotions, you get energy imbalances. These imbalances of energy within you transform into problems. Physically these energy blockages cause illnesses. Mentally they cause other problems like depression, anxiety, and ultimately regrets. 

Negative mental energy perpetuates – causing even more mental distress.

This stuck energy can also be expressed and reflected back at you in the form of anger or rage, emotionally and physically. All of this stuck energy is destructive to you personally and everyone else. There is no way to escape this, it’s based on the law of cause and effect … something that’s demanding your attention now.

Here’s how to release your energy blockages:

  • First, you must admit and acknowledge that you have these stuck emotions and energy imbalances. The quickest way to do it is verbal. Sit in a quiet room and tell yourself, out loud, what you see as the areas where you are stuck, or ill, or angry, and say it out loud several times until YOU hear it. Then, write down what you admitted to yourself and how it felt to let that out.
  • Next, ask your higher self, Spirit Guides, and Angels to help you with this. Help you see the lesson that is contained in this energy blockage – what aspect of yourself is being reflected back at you that needs healing.
  • Also, who’s triggering this? Who upsets you and triggers these energy blockages, bringing them to the surface, and what part do they play in this important lesson for you!?
  • You must release the anger associated with these physical, mental, or emotional blockages. Releasing anger is different than forgiving others. You may not be able to forgive someone for what they’ve done to you, however, you must release the anger associated with it. This sounds simple in certain ways and can be very challenging once you undertake the process.
  • To accomplish the release, you must be brutally honest with yourself. It is our goal to help you by both giving you hope that the process will work while providing you with the understanding of yourself to do it.

CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • Most of the ailments and issues you experience mentally, emotionally, and psychologically are caused by stuck energy.

  • You are at a point in history where people are looking outside themselves to release their pain – when it’s an inside job.

  • Start with something that has had you blocked for a long time. Express it verbally to release the emotion you have built up around it, so you can hear it. Do this repeatedly and see the difference in how you feel about yourself and the world. Write that down!

HOW IT WORKS: When starting an energy clearing program for yourself, or helping someone else with theirs, be sure to date and document everything about your journey through it. This is crucial to a full and complete mental wellness process. Write down your dreams every morning before your feet touch the floor because this is where many powerful messages will show up to help you resolve those blockages.

Remember, you asked your higher self, Spirit Guides, and Angels to help you overcome this, it started when you asked out loud.

None of this is a magic pill solution, but it will work, and you will become better for it. You will avoid the illnesses that anger and depression cause. I can help you with this. ~ Linda Deir




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