People are Feared into Believing what they are Told

Guided Journey

  • The takeaway from this episode is … you will see how you were sold on fear.
  • Here’s what this will do for you … you will learn how to break the spell of being feared into believing what you are told.
  • Here’s what I want you to do with it … every time you feel pressured to believe something … stop, breathe, and attend to what enters your awareness.


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NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

You can only be feared into believing what you are told when you didn’t do your own research. 

When did people start to blindly believe everything they heard? A famous business technology company, IBM, built their business around the slogan, “THINK.” To think for yourself, to think differently, to have your own thoughts. IBM THINK built its brand on this concept to distinctly set themselves apart from their competitors. So, why don’t people do that for themselves?

When you think for yourself, it forces you to do your own research and think outside the mainstream media.

What seems to be so painful about doing your own research, looking for proof about what you are being told as accurate or not? If everything you hear or read is someone else’s agenda, then you should be examining what was said, why it was said, and who benefits from it?

So, what happens when you start investigating? Think of yourself as an investigative reporter whose job is to expose the truth. Once you start looking under the hood, so to speak, you begin to see what they didn’t tell you, what they did not want you to know. What is it they’re hiding? What is it they are planning? How will that affect you?

When you start doing your own research be prepared to be labeled a conspiracy theorist by those who accept everything they hear as gospel.

They feel even more comfortable about their non-thinking beliefs when they hear mainstream news promote the conspiracy theory agenda. This blind faith leads to automatic compliance – a very dangerous choice. It’s dangerous because it’s deceptively delved out in small increments. People hear something that sounds like a mandate by those of authority, so they comply through intimidation. This happens by assuming they have superior knowledge. After all, they have all those degrees and look the part, so how is it that they would ever deliberately lie and deceive you?

Well, even if you don’t do your own research many others will do it for you. Now, all you must do is start looking for alternatives to what’s been said. You will find that much of what you were told was driven by an agenda, an agenda of control and manipulation. They realized they couldn’t do this all at once because it would be too difficult for the masses to digest in such large doses, and they would totally reject it. That’s why it’s fed to you incrementally over time in small bite-sized portions cloaked in fear. It’s like trying to eat an entire meal in one bite versus eating smaller bite-size portions that you can digest little by little.

Once you discover through your own research or researching what others claim to be the truth, that you are possibly being lied to for some surreptitious agenda, now who do you believe? Do they automatically disregard what you’re saying as conjecture or conspiracy theories, or labeling you a fear-monger – all labels from those who wish to control you by convincing you to throw out anything that contradicts them. Rarely do they say the information that was found to be wrong, rather, they immediately attack the person, bypassing the information. This is a tactic of misdirection in order to get the masses to agree even further with what they originally said and want you to believe.

So, how do you begin to put this type of media evaluation into play in your daily life? You go back to that famous slogan, “THINK.” Now, post-2020, in addition to thinking for yourself you must assume that most people don’t know the difference between a lie and the truth anymore – just running on fear.

CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • To determine where you are on the fear scale … THINK about when you started believing everything you heard on the TV, or the news?
  • Question what makes everyone who hears what was said on the news, come together to defend it?
  • Don’t ever get caught up repeating what you heard on the news because when it’s a lie people will pass it around as if it were the truth.

HOW IT WORKS: You are living in times when you cannot afford to take anything you hear or read or see based on its face value. You must always do your own research, or research what someone else said in order to get to the truth. Once you do this, let it sit before you act on it. This will give you the added input you need from your guidance to gain a clear perspective before you take action on that truth. This is an unbeatable combination. ~ Linda Deir



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