- The takeaway from this episode is … your soul will never let you forget what feeling loved is – it’s the connection to where you came from.
- Here’s what this will do for you … feeling loved is being appreciated for who you are.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … describe what feeling loved is to you, what it really feels like.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
Have you ever felt doubt when someone said, “I love you?”
The question to ask yourself is, how do I feel when I hear those words? Do they make me feel anxious or uneasy? Do they make me feel content? How about fear of commitment?
Do you feel imposed upon like there are conditions attached to those words, “I love you?” Are there conditions you must fulfill to receive this love? Do you feel like you have to say or do something in return? Are there mutual love obligations involved? What do I have to do to continue hearing those words, “I love you?” If it is true love, then you don’t have to do anything. What we are talking about is unconditional love – real love.
The test when you hear those three little words are – you will either feel loved the moment you hear it, or you have to do something in order to be loved.
If you feel obligated to do something or say something, it’s not unconditional love. Think about who gives you unconditional love all the time, it’s your pets, your dog, or your cat. They aren’t looking to do anything but love you and make you feel loved. They don’t expect anything in return. It’s not so cut and dried with people. People either love you for who you are, or what you can do for them, but they will never telegraph their intentions ahead of time. It’s sometimes a puzzle to figure it out.
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time to ask yourself these questions;
- Did you feel like they meant it when they said, “I love you?”
- Why did they say it now, when in the past they hadn’t mentioned it?
- What has changed?
- Do they have an ulterior motive?
- Would you have to compromise something to be in a loving relationship with this person?
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- When somebody tells you they love you do you feel loved?
- Do you feel that there are conditions that come with their love?
- If you don’t feel loved when you hear those three little words, then move on.
HOW IT WORKS: Feeling loved motivates you to give the relationship everything you can. It’s a deep feeling of being appreciated for who you are. It’s a superpower that makes you feel like you can accomplish anything – and you can. There is no better feeling than feeling loved. Someone believes in you. This supercharges you with optimism.
So, how is it that you are able to recognize this feeling? When you feel loved you feel strong yet tender, you feel secure and appreciated – you feel important. These are the qualities you brought with you, before this lifetime. That’s why it is so easy for your Guides to stick by you no matter what you have or have not done in this lifetime. This faint memory of feeling loved is what you will always long for in this life. It’s the constant reminder of where you came from – a distant memory. It’s proof of your connection to somewhere else, a soul connection. ~ Linda Deir
Why You’re Not Feeling Loved & What To Do About It – Mind Body Green
11 Ways To Deal With Not Feeling Loved Enough By Your Partner – Bustle
Feeling loved in everyday life linked with improved well-being – Science Daily
The Difference Between Loving Someone and Being in Love with Them – Healthline
“I Want to Feel Loved”: 6 Steps to Start Feeling Loved Again – Medium
Feeling Understood — Even More Important Than Feeling Loved? – Psychology Today
In the past I have experienced all mentioned feelings that you describe in this insight. And oooh, I remember the conditions that came with these words so well! The advantage is that when someone says these words to me now, my intuition immediately responds to it and I instantly feel if it is the truth. It took me over 3 years of journalling to get to this point.
And I’m still learning, every day. Thanks Linda and Guides for this insight!
Journaling prevents you from lying to yourself. That’s your new baseline, a higher standard that will never discount who you are and your worth. Documenting what you are learning everyday will not only get you on your path, but keep you there.