- The takeaway from this episode is … what you planned in the Before Life is why you are here.
- Here’s what this will do for you … you will realize that you have a purpose for being here.
- Here’s what I want you to do with it … to find out your purpose for being here start a journal that you write in 15 minutes daily.
NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels
There is much anxiety in the world over the afterlife.
People go through their entire lives wondering if they were a good person in this life. They ask themselves, “am I going to a happy place after I die like heaven, or am I going to go somewhere else?” This type of thinking is based on the beliefs you acquired as a child.
These beliefs caused you to keep a scorecard of how many good deeds you did versus the bad ones. You keep hoping the good ones will outweigh the bad ones at the end of your life. You think these thoughts because this is how you’ve been taught, that you are judged when you cross over.
To us, all this worrying is wasted time. Why? It’s because you planned your life long before you came here. Yes … what that means is that you were someplace else before you got here, the BeforeLife. You planned your life with the help of your Spirit Family – the family that followed you here to watch over your progress and guide you.
You came here for your soul to work out certain aspects that you call lessons, so you could evolve. Coming here is like taking a test. Yes, you could pass or fail, depending on the effort you took planning it before you got here. It was in the planning that would determine how hard you were going to work on it once you arrived.
Remembering the Before Life will greatly enhance the way you go about living your life.
What you came here to do in this lifetime is how you will find your way back home – where you came from. However, once you got here you were assigned amnesia which wiped out most of your memory of your Spirit Family, who you were before you got here, and what you came here to do.
To awaken from your amnesia, the first revelation you need to have that will set you on the path of living the life you came here to experience is realizing that this life is not all there is. This begins to dawn on you when you start feeling that it’s got to be better somewhere else. And when you ask yourself, why would I have been put into this situation of fear and struggle if I wasn’t supposed to learn something from it?
Some people have the revelation that this life is not all there is, earlier in their lives than at other times. However, once you get out of the way of your beliefs and accept that you had a Before Life that you will return to, will you begin to get a different perspective on what’s going on around you in this life.
So, the challenge becomes remembering where you came from, who you are, and why you are here, rather than anticipating where you are going once you leave. If you keep worrying about how good or bad you are and where you’re going once you leave here, then you will continue to live a superficial life.
CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination
- While most people are worried about the afterlife and where they are going … few people think about where was I before I got here?
- Ask yourself, “could it be that I’m just on a temporary assignment to accomplish something here?”
- Once you’ve realized that this life is not all there is, your perspective on birth and death will totally change.
HOW IT WORKS: I asked my Spirit Guides why they let me remember that “this life is not all there is” when they came to my rescue at 20 months old? Here’s what they said, “you would have given up early on if we hadn’t allowed you to have this revelation.” Some people do remember where they came from. Many people explain this past life recall in past life regression under hypnosis. Knowing that this life is not all there is – is the cornerstone of building your life here while finding your way back home.
Wow, I never asked them this before. The moment I realized that “this life is not all there is.” I knew it was a game-changer. This one realization put so many things into perspective for me in my childhood. Fear no longer dominated me, I didn’t take things personally, I remembered who I was, and I remembered them. This enabled me to believe in myself and experience new things. This made all the difference, in positive ways, in how my life has worked out. ~ Linda Deir
I always knew that I was not getting the full story from the dogma religion that I grew up in. There were just too many holes in the story, and when I finally let go of that dogma that was ingrained in me during my growing up years, the pieces finally started to fall into place, and I was finally able to hope and no longer fear death.
I have found such peace and understanding that was never there before, and I am eternally grateful to you and Ray for your part in helping me to understand and to grow.
I count my blessings daily, and the two of you are always included in those blessings. You are both great teachers. Thank you so much!
Ray can relate to you on this matter. He was raised a Catholic. He has always said, he’s spiritual, not religious. On the other hand, I didn’t have to overcome the dogma because I was never exposed to religion growing up. The Spirit Guides and Angels are indeed clear communicators as they walk with you on your life journey. The more you realize this the more realizations you will be granted.