Love is the Intention to Reach Higher intelligence

Guided Journey

  • The takeaway from this episode is … you came into this life to increase, not decrease your Higher Intelligence IQ.
  • Here’s what this will do for you … when you are in alignment with your Higher Intelligence, you do things for the right reasons.
  • Here’s what I want you to do with it … you will realize you have a greater Higher Intelligence IQ score when you stop letting this life scare you.


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NOTE: The “italic text” within this post is channeled from Linda’s Spirit Guides and Angels

There are higher IQs that measure intelligence.

Some people are average IQ, some are below average, and some are higher than average. This is the same with higher intelligence and intuition. Not everyone is at the same level. 

Unlike mental IQ, higher intelligence is difficult to measure.

Higher intelligence is something that you develop over time, like a muscle. It’s difficult to define and measure because it is a power. Clarity of thought. It is a power that comes from clarity of intention. It is not a power to be used to dominate and control someone, but to bring light to them.

The opposite of higher intelligence is confusion, lack of clarity, and lack of clear intention. You utilize higher intelligence to show others the light. This power should never be used to amplify or magnify the weaknesses in others. When you do that, you are attempting to dominate them.

Domination lacks the clarity of intention.

When a person develops their higher intelligence to a point where people come to them for guidance, that is the time when many people become gurus in their minds. The true power of higher intelligence is brought forth when a person does the right thing, and nobody is watching. There should not be a self-serving expectation of sharing higher intelligence. It is not a power that people should be afraid of, it is a power that others crave when they are around it.

True higher intelligence always operates from love and not selfishness. A person who can channel their higher intelligence for noble good is the most powerful person on earth.

You do not have to forgo materialism or suffer to achieve higher intelligence. No, of course not. Many people who are blessed with riches have this higher intelligence, and higher intelligence has drawn riches to them because they were clear in their intentions and deeds.

Many others that give away their riches do so out of guilt. These riches many times have been acquired through dominance and manipulation.

Some examples of those living the path of higher intelligence are ordinary people you have never met nor heard of. They lead a life of service to others, expecting nothing in return. These people do not work at higher intelligence; they display higher intelligence by example. The person who lives their life from a perspective of higher intelligence is identifiable by the way people react to them.

Humanity is caught up in the wrong kind of intention and therefore, never sees the benefits of higher intelligence. Most of the humans who have mastered higher intelligence would be categorized as pacifists or great humanitarians whose knowledge brought light to many.

Some people are aware that they have a higher calling while here on this earth.

Have you felt the pull of a higher calling? If you did, you carry the light within you, and it shines through in everything you do. It is not something you turn on or turn off, it is something others see and are drawn to, like a lighthouse.

CALL TO ACTION: Start your Self-Examination

  • Examine your intentions. Write them down in your journal. Review what you wrote and give yourself a Higher Intelligence IQ score.
  • Why do you do what you do? Is it self-serving or service to others?
  • If you do not have an impressive Higher Intelligence IQ score it only happened because you forgot who you are.

HOW IT WORKS: You know when you are on the right path when you harness this higher intelligence energy. It’s through the energy of love that you make this connection to the source, your Spirit Guides, and Angels. This is how they describe what they do, “We provide a Universal Insight and Information Service, we call it Truth.” They unselfishly provide this service to those who are ready and can be reached. ~ Linda Deir




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